What’s Bob the Blob all about? The goal of the game is to complete the most wild and diverse platformer levels as fast as possible, while collecting the required amount of blobs. The levels take place all over the universe where Bob gets to travel to with the amazing DDD Device which takes him from one place to another. You also get to goof around the laboratory of the Professor who created you, and investigate various places which open up as the game progresses. The Professor helps Bob with different super powers, such as double jumps, squeezing and a long jump. Prof may also want Bob to collect components for his World Peace Machine, scattered around the levels. There are also lots of interesting extras, secrets and other unlockable content to be found around the game.

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So, do you have anything to ask... (Hilselinko 13 years ago)

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Something on your mind? (Hilselinko 13 years ago)

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