
Bite and Blob is a 2D puzzle platformer where you take control of an unlikely duo, a small maintenance robot and and scientifically created creature, Bite and Blob. They both embark on an adventure into this now unknown world, humanity seemingly gone, only remnants left to show that they existed. What has happened, how did they all disappear? To find the answer you must escape the laboratory and venture into this new world.


In Bite and Blob you have control over two characters, Bite and Blob. Bite is a maintenance robot, so his main skill is handling all the technology that is put in front of him, no matter how advanced it is. Blob on the other hand is a gelatinous creature, capable of transforming into several animals to help him traverse various obstacles. You have to use both of them to complete various puzzles by using their unique skills and traverse this dangerous world.

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We are on Greenlight!


A brief history


The idea for the game came when we entered in a game jam which was taking place in Reboot Infogamer in which we won the first prize. Before the game jam, we were still trying to figure out what our first game would be, and with the win and a lot of support from other people, we decided to make Bite and Blob our first game. We have been working on the game for the past 3 years, with a lot of ups and downs: people leaving, broken builds while showing the game at expos; all the usual things. But finally, we are nearing the full release of the game and we have released our Greenlight and we now need help to pass it. We would be grateful if you would vote Yes!

About the game

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In Bite and Blob you have control over two characters, Bite and Blob. Bite is a maintenance robot, so his main skill is handling all the technology that is put in front of him, no matter how advanced it is. He is used to complete the more logical part of the puzzle. Blob on the other hand is a gelatinous creature, capable of transforming into several animals to help him traverse various obstacles and as such, he is used to complete the jumping puzzles. You have to use both of them to complete various puzzles by using their unique skills and traverse this dangerous world.

The alpha-demo of the game is coming in the coming weeks and it's going to be released here and on Stay tuned to find out more about the game.

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