Balance of Power is a turn based strategy and simulation game from Seattle based developer A Wizard Did It. Balance of power is set in a distant binary solar system in the final stages of colonization. The player takes on the role of a neutral clandestine organization whose goal is to engineer a specific outcome from the chaos of a bitter civil war using subterfuge, manipulation and covert action. The solar system and all of the groups in it are simulated, providing a rich web of interconnected actions which the player must gather information on if they wish to alter the course of the war. By default the goal of the game is to minimize civilian deaths and bring an end to hostilities, however, the system allows for deep customization of the objectives and starting conditions for each game.

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The start of art.

In Balance of Power, when the player is interacting with (or examining the details of) particular noteworthy NPCs, there will be a hand-drawn portrait of that character. This feature will be one of the unique hallmarks of Balance of Power, and it will give a lot of personality to these characters.
What does this mean for Jasmine, our artist? Lots of portraits. Like, over 100 of them. Here is an initial prototype of what these portraits might look like.

In other news, we could use a hand.

In some ways, Balance of Power is a very ambitious game. But even so, it's actually rather simple and logical to put together. We're a three man team (well two men, one woman) and we're moving forward pretty well, but things would come together much faster and more cleanly if we had a dedicated programmer.
If your Python fu is strong, and you like the look of our project, shoot us a quick email! We can discuss time frame / payment / workload etc. If you're local to the Seattle area, that is awesome, because we meet as a team several times per week to stay on task together.

See you next time!


Greetings and Hello!

Greetings and Hello!


Greetings and Hello, friends. We're going to start out by giving a little bit more info on the game and where things are at.

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