Set during the Vietnam war following a soldier from the 1st Air Cavalry featuring game play aspects of Fully customizable characters, different weapons, upgradable armor, different methods of transport such as helicopters and boats, Big maps, questions, online play.

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Entry No.1


This is the first post of many about the game 1st Air Cav: Vietnam, this article will hopefully clear up any questions about the project and explain a little about the game and the team.

Those working on the project of this are two members of the company Ruppuso as well as other volunteers and helpers, We plan to have a pretty decent demo of the game to be released for testing just after June. Below I'll explain a little of the game briefly although some aspects of the game play will be revealed many could end up tweaked or changed and many other aspects will be kept secret until the release.
Firstly as the character starts the game he or she will be able to fully customize their own character for game which can be used on single player and multi-player. As the levels develop and players unlock points and money for kills/ completing missions, the user will be able to buy items such as general items from the PX, customizable weapons and amour which will have a wide variety to choose from.

Another feature of the game will be the many different aspects of transport around the jungle, as the game is set on the 1st Air Cav the main use of transport will be by a Huey Helicopter, for example your boss sets missions where you need to be at one end of the map to your base, you will be able to board a helicopter and travel to the location with other AI players or online players, another method of transport will be patrol boats which will operate the same way as the Helicopters.

Each week more information will be posted about the game as well as new concepts, videos and eventually demo's.
If anyone is interested in joining the team to join in please email me with what you wish to do for the game and if possible post previous examples of work, not necessary if none before. Skinners, mappers, scriptwriters, graphics artists and modelers are all welcome.

AverageMann - - 80 comments

i guess this is dead

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ottodeadman - - 146 comments

So where can i get demo?

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TheSaCk - - 3 comments

Track ;) keep working on it!

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warkeeper - - 200 comments

I'm watching this, looking forward.

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Jesusfreak - - 770 comments

How big is your dev team?

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WooKieRocKer Creator
WooKieRocKer - - 1 comments

4 at the moment, all members being able to do each aspect such as scripting, modeling etc but each also with their own specialty such as a graphics artist as well as someone who's profession is creating music, we also have about 5 other people who are interested in this before seeing any work

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