Before reading, be sure to pick the FINAL MOD VERSION. Thank you :]
More information about change-logs and extras in the description and readme.
Article Update:
If you would prefer to have a complete, detailed and full guide for all the endings. Check our newest guide article! it contains everything you have to know to beat the mod.
But do note, it is 99.9% spoiler filled. If you want to experience everything without guidance. We really recommend to avoid it and follow this one instead. Thank you so much.
99.9% spoiler filled guide Article Link:
Article Starts here.
Note: This article was done for version 1.1, but works more than fine with the final release. This also was done because the mod was way more difficult in version 1.1 and its previous version (These versions are still available to download if you want to check them out). Version Final should be easier, which also provides clues and help in-game. But do remember, this article still works great with the newest release. Thank you so much.
Hello, and welcome to our guide and section for tips and tricks for Hello Neighbor The Mansion.
There will be three sections to this article.
1- Play Buttons
2- Riddles / Tips and Tricks
3- Bugs and Fixes
Play Buttons
First of all, we will start by explaining the basic hello neighbor keys.
E – Open doors
Hold E – Sees through unlocked doors and picks objects
Left Ctrl – Crouches
WASD – Default movement input keys
Spacebar – Jumps
Left Shift – Runs
1, 2, 3 and 4 number keys – Grabs inventory objects from 1 to 4 depending on which key you press.
Right Click – Leaves objects
Hold Right Click – Throws objects with major force
Left Click – Unlocks padlocks with a key.
Riddles / Tips and Tricks
There are a few riddles or tips displayed at the beginning of the first level. As follows, here we will show you what they mean without giving spoilers (we may add more in the future with spoilers).
To start, we really recommend playing this mod with headphones. It is not obligatory, but will definitely enhance the experience. Please if you can, do not play this mod without sound. If you have headphones, prepare to jump from your chair multiple times :}.
1- Rescue your father.
This is one is easy to analyze, it is your main objective in this mod and mission.
2- Follow the cameras.
This means literally what it says. If you feel lost or confused because things are not working out, or the mansion is too big. Follow the cameras, these will guide you and will provide direction. But, some of them will be tricky because these may not give you all the answers, you may have to explore a little bit in a room, or an area. But be sure that if there are cameras, you are following the right way. Especially big cameras.
Note: First puzzle has changed. More information below.
Version 1.1 Green Key Puzzle
Version Final Green Key Puzzle
Note: small cameras may be tricky. These may be in a room just watching the player, or these may be actually to guide you. But something we can tell for sure is that you should watch the environment for big cameras.
Note 2: Areas without cameras MAY not have something hidden :]
3- Grab the keys and unlock the doors.
This means that there are four keys in total, but not for the entire mod. Please remember that key point. Also, to provide a little bit of help, we colored each key with each padlock. But do note. Be wise of what you throw away since you have only four inventory slots, and you may need a key for multiple uses.
We will provide more information about this one soon. We would prefer if you experience it first.
A final clue we can give. Gold, goes with gold only. Meaning that gold + gold = secret.
Another clue is that this specific key is near three coffins and about five posters. There are four eye paintings as-well and you may find it inside of a case where a camera is lying around :]. Finally, this key is where just few oxygen flows. Away from the light of any kind of source.
4- The fire is your friend.
This one is probably one of the most important ones, and we are saying that you should look out for fire. Most of the time this entity of nature will be your friend and may provide a sense of guidance. If you see a candle, analyze the area because there may something important there. Treat candles almost or the same as cameras. Especially when there are no cameras that provide guidance.
Bugs and Fixes + Extra tips
Bugs and Fixes
Key points include three main bugs.
1- If you see a red message on the bottom-left part of the screen while playing saying “LIGHTNING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT” you can fix it by opening the console with the ` key of your keyboard. This key is the one before the number 1, and above the Tab key with a default US English keyboard. Then type Disableallscreenmessages and press enter. This should disable all the messages on screen, and the issue should go away.
2- If you see another similar error, but this time pointing to a texture pool size error, do the same as before but instead of writing Disableallscreenmessages write r.Streaming.PoolSize 8000 or change the number depending of your video card.
3- If in the final 1 level things start to behave abnormally. Meaning that things are out of place drastically, or things are not behaving as they should be, or you experienced before. I really recommend to quit the level, return to the editor, re-open the level and play it again. But note, this bug happens rarely, and happens only when you fail the level a huge amount of times.
4- Also as a general note, please play the mod in a viewport window if possible. Even a custom viewport works fine. Standalone works, but it is a little bit buggy, especially with the new extension of ending 2. Also, tramps do not work in Standalone mode.
Extra tips
These contain middle-light spoilers.
Please do not read after below if you want to experience everything by yourself. But do return if you are having issues.
1- When you finish an ending, with the exception of final 2. Please quit the instance you are playing and return to the main level if you want to seek for ending 2 or 3 after you finished ending 1.
2- You can always load final 3, but you will miss an important Easter egg if you do so.
3- Ending 2 is inside the very first and main level, but it is made for the curious explorers.
4- Ending 3 will require you to load many maps. If you see the loading multiple times, it is not glitched.
5- Ending 1 requires you to act fast and scan your environment. The first section requires you to analyze, unlock and break something that will let you access to the next section. The next section you have to be fast and calculative. Please scan the words “Jump carefully!” with care. As a tip, try to not jump in a way that you will break a leg. I recommend to do it diagonally, but without losing momentum or speed. Also, you will have to restart a lot in this part. Also, if you fall into a hole, walk until the level restarts itself. Refer to the bugs section if you start to see abnormal behavior and how to fix it.
Note to jump the second and third obstacles you are required to sprint and jump. Also, please calculate the space properly to not fall into these. If you do, the level will reset. Also, beware of obstacles around ways that look like they can be crossed straight. You may be surprised if you do not act properly. Be alert at all times in this level! you need to act fast!
Note 2: If you have issues finding an object to break the thing that you have to break in order to progress after you threw the big three objects (not telling which ones right now). Check the candles as previously said in the tips and tricks section! and do not forget to apply the right force with the right mouse click as-well. Remember, act fast in this part!
6- In the main and first level, to get the green key, you will have to jump a lot. There is a specific section which if you do not jump properly may have you repeat it. It was designed that way; it is not a bug. It is also to make it a little bit more challenging. I am talking about the area that is near the fridge stairway :].
7- This one is new and pointed towards version 1.1 - If you want to play the extended ending 2, you will need to return to the editor and load the main level after finished. Also, be prepared to anything this mysterious ending throws at the screen!
We hope this section helps you to start with the mod!
We may be updating or adding more in the future. Our plan is to reveal more about the content of the mod soon. But we would really prefer that you experience it first beforehand. If you did, we hope you enjoyed the experience!
Best Regards,
Iknosabuk and JamyzGenius
Article Update: If you would prefer to have a complete, detailed and full guide for all the endings. Check our newest guide article! it contains everything you have to know to beat the mod.
But do note, it is 99.9% spoiler filled. If you want to experience everything without guidance. We really recommend to avoid it. Thank you so much.
mod amasang