Okay, so as I said in the GDD, one of the main game features in the game was sleeping.
Here is the feature description as I wrote on the IndieDB page:
In the game, if you lose health, you can sleep to regain it, but sometimes you have nightmares. This has been implemented so that you can regain health. We all know how hard that is in other games. Also, if you sleep you have a 20% chance of having a nightmare, with storyline. These "nightmares" consist of normal daily activities, like having a picnic or taking a jog down the street, but are filled with jumpscares.
Well, I have a little to add and edit:
Each section of the map has two beds. You can sleep in each bed four times. You have a 100% chance of having a nightmare if you sleep all four sleeps, which means you have A 25% nightmare chance per sleep. All of the nightmares have a storyline, and the story continues the next time you have a nightmare.
The Sleeping Mechanic
I edited this... well, a lot, so I thought I would edit this EVEN MORE. I sent this to the developer, and I said, "HEY, WHY NOT PUT THIS ON INDIEDB?!?!?!?!" I mean, really. What's bad about spreading more interest?
Posted by wiggly_waffle on
"Yeah sure you keep talking"