Post feature RSS SOTS storyline - short version

JEDI KNIGHT: SHADOWS OF THE SITH 16 years after the battle of Yavin 4 the IMPERIAL REMNANTS are almost beaten. The NEW REPUBLIC continues on its quest to free all oppressed worlds, one of those worlds is ERYEGIR...

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16 years after the battle of Yavin 4
the IMPERIAL REMNANTS are almost beaten.
The NEW REPUBLIC continues on its quest
to free all oppressed worlds, one of
those worlds is ERYEGIR.

The planet is ruled by a SITH cult,
which tries to extract the FORCE out of
dead force sensitives and transfer it
into people with ancient sith alchemy.

A team was dispatched to clear the way
for the main invasion force. YOU, a
soldier of the Republic and heir
to a JEDI-family, are part of
the elite team attacking the planet...

jedi_hm2 - - 266 comments

Why's it called SHADOWS of the Sith? Wasn't it SPIRITS? :P

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