Post feature RSS Sasuke Uchiha Hero Preview

This next Hero preview is on the Uchiha Avenger himself, Sasuke Uchiha. This will be another hero port from NWU as he will retain all of the same abilities he possessed in the Warcraft 3 Map. All abilities and heroes are subject to change, as this character may be changed in future releases.

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Sasuke Uchiha

Str - 19 + 1.75

Agi - 16 + 2.10

Int - 21 + 2.90

Attack - 43-44


MS - 310

Armor - 3.00

Chidori Nagashi Chidori Current (Chidori Nagashi)


By utilizing his lightning nature chakra on a large scale, Sasuke unleashes the power of Chidori in every direction around him. After casting this ability, an electrical current is discharged around Sasuke dealing magic damage to all enemies in area around him.

Radius - 350

Damage - 75/125/175/225

Mana Cost - 70/85/100/115

Cooldown - 10/8/6/4 seconds

Chidori Eiso Chidori Sharp Spear (Chidori Eiso)

Target Unit

Using Shape Manipulation to alter his Chidori's reach, Sasuke extends the range of his signature technique in order to pierce enemies at a distance. Deals magical damage and stuns a target enemy unit on cast.

Range - 250

Damage - 50/75/100/125

Stun Duration - 1.00/1.50/2.00/2.50 seconds

Mana Cost - 100/110/120/130

Cooldown - 20 seconds

Chidori Kouken Chidori Sword (Chidori Kouken)


Sasuke's main weapon of choice allows him to channel his lightning release chakra throughout the blade. After casting a technique, Sasuke's katana is charged with electrical energy, causing his next basic attack to inflict additional effects in an area around the target. Chidori Sword deals extra magic damage while reducing the target's attack speed and movement speed for a short duration.

Radius - 275

Damage - 30/45/60/75

Movement Speed Slow - 80%

Attack Speed Slow - 50%

Slow Duration - 0.6 seconds

Kirin Kirin

Target Point

Harnessing the power of natural thunderclouds, Sasuke sends down a large bolt of lightning at a target point while appearing instantly at its location. After a short delay, Sasuke teleports to the target point while dealing magical damage to all enemies caught in the radius.

Range - 1000/1500/2500

Radius - 400

Magical Damage - 150/250/350

Mana Cost - 300/400/500

Cooldown - 20/10/0 seconds

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