Post feature RSS *New Civilization* Etruscans and More!

The Etruscan were a civilization in Northern Italy, they had greek like architecture and are probably most known for inspiring the romans in warfare and there works of art. Unfortunatly there is not much left and not alot is known about them.

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Only 5 days till release and there is more than just civilizations for the mod.


We have the Etruscan leaving a battle after defeating the celts.

Thank you to FGF87 for the wonderful roman trade workshop.

Roman Trade Workshop

Unfortunatley it is the only new graphic so far. The crossbowman, light cavalry and traders all have substitute graphics.

I also have a Poll set up so you can choose what empires should be added in the next release.

ThaneWulfgharn - - 611 comments

Is FGF87 helping you with all the graphics or just with this one?

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Epd999 Author
Epd999 - - 14 comments

He helps me when he feels like he's up to it, but he has only made this one so far.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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