Post feature RSS Game's combat features

Here is the early version of the game's combat features

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Weapons type:

Speed type: small axe, sword, dual swords, stick, dagger
Power type: heavy axe, sword, heavy swords


Light Punch- normal punch with the left fist (with dual wielding- characters will be punching with the left hand while holding weapon)(fast)
Medium Punch- light weapon attack(medium)
Heavy Punch- Heavy weapon attack(slow)

Light Kick(fast)
Medium Kick(medium)
Heavy kick(slow)

normal magic attacks:

1- takes 10% of the magic mana bar (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, left diagonal, left, punch

2- takes 40% of the magic mana bar (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, right diagonal, right, punch

3- takes 60% of the magic mana bar (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, left diagonal, left, kick


level 1 melee attack combo (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, right diagonal, right, punch+ punch (same time)

level 1 magic attack combo (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, left diagonal, left, punch+ punch (same time)

level 2 melee attack combo (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, right diagonal, right, kick+ kick (same time)

level 2 magic attack combo (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, left diagonal, left, kick+ kick (same time)

level 3 combo- always magical (enemy on the right- if enemy is on the left, then right = left and left = right)
down, left diagonal, left, kick+ punch (same time)

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