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From new units to new civilizations, techs, cards, buildings, maps, visual effects, sounds and soundtracks, you can find anything in the 'Improvement Mod', everything of the highest quality and bug-less. But, if you do find a bug make sure you report it right away! So, here are the main changes, some very small ones have not been mentioned.

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Notice that some units or buildings present in this mod are taken from the Napoleonic Era or War of the Triple Alliance mods.


- Added the early formed United States of America civilization. The US have a mixed technology tree based on more European civilizations. They cannot revolt. Best units: Gatling Gun, Mounted Rifleman. (they have unique language, units, homecity, cards, improvements and explorer, i think this is the best US civ out there so far)
-- To play with the US please go to the 'Select a Home City' menu and select Philadelphia, the US capital.

The US is made as a Western Europe civilization, plus the following unique cards and units:
-- added the Buy Ironclad cards (from 2 to 3 Ironclads per card, and a total of 3 cards)
-- added the Hire Skilled Miners card (can be used twice and ships 5 miners to mine, gather and build plantations, faster than any villager)
-- added the Gatling Gun plus improvements and shipping cards for it (gun texture changes when improved)
-- the US Colonel's (Explorer) special ability is to build War Tents which train Colonial Militia (promote from Major to Colonel using the Promotion card)
-- added the Pilgrims cards (ships 4 or 2 Pilgrims that can be used infinite times)
-- added the Black Powder Wagons cards (you can ship 4 or 6 Wagons)
-- added the Grenadier (light artillery that throws grenades to defeat infantry or buildings)
-- added the Supply Wagons as HC shipments (Coin, Food and Wood)
-- added the Mounted Rifleman (ranged cavalry) + cards
-- added unique Royal Decree improvements
-- the US will always be able to train all 3 Outlaws types
-- modified Settlers
-- the US House can train Minutemen
-- added the Saber (melee cavalry) + cards
-- added custom units upgrades icons
-- added the Rifleman + cards
-- added the Battlefield Construction card
-- added the Marine (ranged infantry) + cards
-- added custom Priest
-- added the Consulate (and 'Export' resource)

- Added 7 new Regicide maps and 46 'day and night cycle' remakes of the original maps. To play the new maps you need to select the 'Custom Maps' option and choose a map from that list. They should all work on multiplayer. (maps taken from Arkantoz Jr and the 'Fan Patch')

- Added the improved and advanced Draugur AI, made by Felix Hermansson. The AI can choose to build walls, train any of the new units (including Mortar units), build any of the new buildings and research the 'Civilized Government' improvement (details bellow).
--The AI will also build two Factories and replace destroyed Forts, and will not spend as many resources on mercenaries and natives as they did before.

- Added the Patrol command to every military unit (infantry, cavalry, artillery, pets and ships).

- Every unit, except for heavy artillery, wagons, and ships, can very slowly auto-heal over time (though horses and men can heal, wood and steel cannot).

- You can now rotate buildings before placing them using the mouse wheel.

- Big explosions, big impacts and big cannons firing will shake the camera, each according to it's proportion.

- Added the ability to capture/convert buildings to every civilization. Only Field Hospitals, Campfires, Cherry Orchards, Mango Groves, Mills, Farms, Rice Paddies, Plantations and War Tents can now be captured. (mod made by Arkantoz Jr)

- Town Centers and walls can slowly auto-repair for free, but can still be repaired manually.

- Added an improved version of the Unit Upgrades Modpack, which changes most European units appearance as they are improved. (mod made by Imperiosus and modified by me)

- Added the Civilized Government improvement to the Town Center (increases maximum population cap by 20 and Town Centers support 20 pop, also increases gathering rate for nearby units; the AI also researches this tech), to every civilization in the game.
-- Advancing to the Imperial Age or Revolting increases the maximum population limit by 10. The Chinese will get +20 pop cap when advacing to age 5 and their maximum population limit is 240.

- added the ability to lock and unlock gates (useful when even allies can capture your buildings...)(mod made by Arkantoz Jr)

- modified and improved all moving and standing formations for all units; ships now move in formation (mod made by... many people, including moi)

- trade units (Travois, Stagecoach, Train, etc.) can damage buildings (walls) and units standing in their way (mod made by Simalex)

- Walls can now be built over trade routes. However, if the part on top of the trade route isn't a gate, then they will take damage and finally be destroyed by the trade units. (mod made by Lord_KiLLMS)

- every Revolutionary leader now enables one specific mercenary (see for yourself which gives what)

- Fire Ships slowly lose HP if they are not near a Dock (no burning thing lasts forever...)

- Mortars and Morutarus can now attack ground units (also increased Hand Mortars attack a little)

- Mortars cannot move while in firing mode anymore, but they have increased area damage

- unique Church and Mosque improvements are now enabled at the University (after you purchase the card of course)

- Resource production buildings (Banks, Lumber Camps and Bakeries) now also act like mini Markets, buying the building's specific resource, but you need a Market for this option to be enabled. Dutch Banks are more advantaged and Treasuries can spawn chests of coin.

- Now only some Age 4 houses have chimney smoke (West European houses have chimney smoke from Age 2), no change for East European, Mediterranean and Asian houses. (reduces later lag)

- Villagers can now fish if the source is near the shore (like in previous AoE games). Villagers fish slower than Fishing Boats though.

- decreased Explorers, War Chiefs and Asian monks hitpoints; they can also garrison inside Town Centers and Forts

- increased pets and guardians attack damage and hitpoints, also lowered movement speed for all guardians

- increased buildings attack range for all archers (including crossbow units and mounted archers)

- made the Hackapell ranged cavalry and the Black Rider melee cavalry (basically changed their skills and stats between them)

- Elephants, European artillery and War Wagons now make footsteps dust

- decreased movement speed for all ships (except Fishing Boats)

- made Ageing Up more expensive for every age and civ; Imperial upgrade for Native Americans is less expensive

- made Revolution more expensive and it's research time is slower now (also adds more stuff)

- Trading Posts don't change according to maps anymore; everyone keeps their specific looking Trading Post on all maps

- Minutemen, Irregulars and Warriors can now garrison inside Town Centers (they become kind of useless when their health drops so why not help the TC attack)

- increased movement speed of Minutemen, Irregulars and Warriors

- added a small bonus damage against artillery to the Fort, Fortified Outpost and Mountain Castle

- increased the Fort, Lookout, Noble's Hut and Agra Fort rate of fire

- increased build limit for all defensive buildings by 2 (Outposts, Castles, Towers, etc.)

- added two new buttons in the UI for quickly selecting your Town Centers and Heroes

- increased the Culverin's rate of fire

- added a special ranged attack to the Spy

- decreased building speed for some buildings

- added fixed flags (mod made by Lord Tahattus)

- made the Petard a little more expensive (not exaggerated)

- increased walls HP (again, not exaggerated)

- added fort walls (details bellow)

- added new soundtracks

- Explorers can now build Outposts
- replaced the Saloon with the Command Post (has ranged attack and can be built from age 3)
- added the University (improvement building) to all European civs
- added the Bank (coin production building) to the French and British (weaker than the Dutch Bank which produces coin faster)
- added the Lumber Camp (wood production building) to the Spanish, Portuguese and Ottomans
- added the Bakery (food production building) to the Germans and Russians
- added the build limit of resource production buildings to 2 per game (the Dutch can use cards or improvements to rise the build limit of Banks)
- added the Outpost to the Russians
- changed icon of the Ransom Explorer (now matches the portrait)
- added the Fortified Walls improvement (adds fort walls and increases walls HP)(mod made by Lord_KiLLMS)
- remade the Dance Halls card, now affects the Command Post (upgrades Command Post to Command Center, which has Boneguards, elite Circle of Ossus units and etc.)
- decreased the amount of HP the Knighthood improvement adds (from 1000 to 700)
- added the Guard Pikemen improvement to all necessary civs (increases Pikeman attack and HP)
- added the Guard Crossbowman improvement to all necessary civs (increases Crossbowman attack and HP)
- added the Hoop Thrower as mercenary (Knight of Malta that throws flaming hoops)
- Revolution now enables the Black Powder Wagon at the Fort (rams into enemy units and buildings, then explodes dealing lots of damage)
- added the Flag Bearer to all Revolutionary leaders (reconnaissance unit with a good line of sight and can also receive homecity shipments)
- added the Boneguard Rifleman and the Boneguard Swordsman as mercenaries (enabled only by the Command Center card)
- replaced the Spanish Mayan cards with new Conquistador cards (the cards will also upgrade them)
- added the Extensive Fortifications card to the Germans
- only the French and the Spanish are now able to build Native Embassies (buildable by the Explorer)
- replaced the Bandeirantes card from the Portuguese with a new card that ships a General (can train Riflemen and increase the hitpoints of nearby units)
- added the Extensive Fortifications card to the Russians
- added 2 and 4 Settlers cards to the Russians
- added the Azap to the Ottomans (melee infantry)
- replaced the Hussar from the Ottomans with the Spahi (they have the same basic configuration)
- the USA and the French can build Barracks from the Colonial Age (this is a balance tweak)
- replaced the Heavy Cannon from the Russians with the Great Cannon (Li'l Bombard)(it has the Rocket's same basic configuration)(other European civs can't train the Li'l Bombard as mercenary any more, except from the Home City, but the Asians can still train them)
- added the Schutter to the Dutch (ranged infantry)
- replaced the Hussar from the Portuguese with the Cavalaria (they have the same basic configuration)
- Revolution now enables the Fire Ship (rams anything on water, then explodes dealing lots of damage)
- Europeans cannot Revolt with Washington anymore (because, as long as you can play with the US, the revolt has been done already...)
- the Dutch can train Skirmishers from Age 2
- European villagers cannot build Trading Posts anymore (only Explorers can; doesn't affect Asian or Native villagers)
- replaced Roger's Rangers tech with a new tech that ships 25 Schutters to the British (they can train Skirmishers now; the consulate Roger's Rangers remains the same)
- the Dutch Church Stadholders tech now ships Schutters instead of Musketeers
- made custom walls for the Mediterranean and East-European civs (very nice!:D)
- decreased the Caravel's attack damage (it was too big)
- added a General card to the Germans (can fight and build War Tents)
- added custom Fortified Outpost skin for the Mediterranean civs
- added the Coutelier to the French (throwing knifes infantry)
- added the Halberdier to the British
- added the Guard Longbowmen tech to the British without the use of the HC card, that card will only unlock the Imperial Longbowmen tech
- added the Poleaxeman to the Germans and Russians (hand infantry)
- added the Cranequinier to the French (mounted crossbowman)

Native Americans
- added the Stronghold (defensive building) to the Aztecs
- added the Lookout (defensive building) to the Sioux
- added the High Temple (improvement building) to the Aztecs
- added the Council's Hut (improvement and coin generation building) to the Sioux and Iroquois
- added the Campfire (healing building) to all Native civs
- enabled the Native Embassy from the beginning of the game for all Native civs
- added native wooden walls to the Sioux
- replaced the wooden walls of the Aztecs with the native wooden walls
- rearranged the Settler building grid for all native civs
- added the Strong Walls improvement to all native civs (increases walls HP)
- added the Town Guard improvement to all native civs (increases Lookout and Stronghold attack and hitpoints)
- added the Treasury to the Aztecs (coin production building)
- added the Ram to the Sioux and Aztecs (trains at the Native Embassy)
- added the Guard Tower (defensive building) to the Iroquois
- modified the Command Skill card from the Sioux, now it also ships the War Leader (can train Wakina Rifles and increase the hitpoints of nearby units)
- every native civ will start with a Discovery Travois and a Healer
- decreased Canoes garrison limit (it was and it still is pretty unrealistic...)
- all Natives can train Scouts and Conquistadors at the Native Embassy
- the Native Embassy's look is the new Native Trading Post look for every map
- the Advanced Scouts card enables Scouts at the Native Embassy
- the Tlaloc Canoe can now train the Aztec Warhut units
- the Sioux will always start with a Lookout built
- the Sioux and Iroquois healer can now dance at the Firepit

- added the Asian Tower to all Asian civs
- replaced the Asian Tower building models, now matching the Asian civs
- enabled the Dojo (military building) from the beginning of the game for the Japanese (but build limit is now 2 instead of 3)
- added the Weapons Cache (military building) to the Chinese
- added the Petard to the Chinese (trains at the Weapons Cache)
- added the Fortified Walls improvement to all Asian civs (adds fort walls and increases walls HP)(mod made by Lord_KiLLMS)
- added the Town Guard improvement to all Asian civs (increases Asian Tower attack and hitpoints)
- added the Spies improvement to all Asian civs (you can see everything your enemies can see)
- added the Fire Ship to the Indians and Japanese (rams anything on the water and explodes)
- added the Hoop Thrower as mercenary (Knight of Malta that throws flaming hoops)
- replaced the Petards card from the British Consulate deck, with a new card that ships a Hot Air Balloon (the Chinese can train their own Petards and the others can train Fire Ships, so...)
- added the Gunners's Quadrant and the Trunion improvements to the Chinese (improves at the Weapons Cache)
- Cherry Orchads and Mango Groves now spawn one Villager when built
- the Chinese will also be able to train Great Cannons after they ally with the Russians and command a Factory (but they don't have access to the unit's Imperial upgrade)
- added the War Tent to the Chinese and Japanese (it has the Teepee's basic configuration)
- each time you choose an European ally you get a Flag Bearer (and each Flag Bearer speaks the language of the civ from which it came, but they will not be able to receive shipments)
- the Japanese can get Schutters (heavy ranged infantry) if they ally with the Dutch
- made all Elephants occupy 1 less pop; 2 less pop for Mansabdar Elephants
- the Indians can get Spahis if they ally with the Ottomans
- added the Wokou Junk to the Indians (fits better)
- increased the Agra Fort's attack damage, also added damage increasing to the Fortified Agra Fort tech (it didn't had it before)
- the Chinese will now have a Mongol Scout from the beginning of the game
- added the Sohei to the Japanese (pikeman infantry)
- added the Yamabushi to the Zen Natives (club infantry)
- added the Urumi to the Indian Barracks
- added 4 Surgeons card to the Indians and Chines
- the Japanese can ally with the U.S.A. for units and techs
- the Portuguese Consulate can now send Cassadores
- added the University to all Asian civs (moved techs from the Town Center)

- all the non-civs changes made to the game are also present in the campaigns
- added the Rodelero to Knights of St. John from the 'Blood' campaign
- added some cards to Knights of St. John from the 'Blood' campaign
- added the Saloon to John Black's Mercenaries from the 'Ice' campaign
- replaced the US from the 'Steel' campaign with the US made for this mod
- added the Saloon to Black Family Estate from the 'Fire and Shadow' campaigns
- added the Guard Tower to Black Family estate from the 'Fire and Shadow' campaigns
- fixed the home city from the 'India' campaign
- the Tower is buildable in all Asian campaigns
- fixed Knights of St. John Church model
- Jaegers will always be trainable in the 'Ice' campaign at the Saloon
- replaced the 'Steel' campaign US flag with the one from AoE3 (it's more appropriate for the period of time in which the campaign takes place)
*in the 'Steel' campaign, 'Hold the Fort' mission, the trade units will destroy the northern fort walls, also please keep in mind that other modifications from the mod might affect some scenarios in negative ways*

- you can zoom in and out more, also disabled intro cinematics
- fixed and added many animations for many new and old units
- fixed Native Villager and Tomahawk attack effects
- fixed Oprichnik walk animation
- added specific Ottoman sails for Ottoman ships
- fixed some balloon problems and incompatibilities
- the Native Blowgunner/Ambusher can now go stealth
- fixed the Yamashiro card
- fixed the 1 Flatland Castle card
- fixed Dutch Consulate Arsenal skin
- new custom skins for the University
- fixed Consulate Ironclad sounds
- fixed Silk Road Trading Post sounds
- fixed Fire Junk sounds
- fixed Rocket and Heavy Cannon death anims
- fixed Highlander weapon
- fixed Jat Lancer portrait
- fixed Regicide Castle sounds
- fixed Oprichnik weapon (it was invisible before)
- the russian 'National Redoubt' card now affects Strelets (also added build anims)
- fixed Cherry Orchad and Mango Grove destruction effects
- fixed destruction ruble for all Wonders
- Flaming Arrows now change their look after being improved (was disabled before)
- changed the reload animation for all infantry units using rifles
- fixed Cherokee Rifleman animations
- replaced the Dragoon's pistol with a musket (as his portrait shows, he used a musket not a pistol)
- fixed Rifle Rider reload animations
- made custom male settlers for the Ottomans
- replaced the Strelet's animations (they where buggy before)
- fixed Kalmuck sounds
- fixed Dock Rickshaw sounds
- fixed Light Cannon sounds
- Fortified Outposts don't have chimney smoke anymore (they don't even have a chimney...)
- fixed Siege Wrokshop building models
- fixed Discovery Travois sounds
- fixed long standing visual glitch with the Fishing Boats (both European and Native Fishing Boats now have proper human models controlling them)
- fixed Fune portrait
- fixed Revolutionary cards icons
- fixed Chinese Monk bored animation (didn't match before)
- fixed the Hire Li'l Bombards card icon (they are not Heavy Cannons...)
- fixed the Counting Coup card (improves War Chief area damage)
- fixed European healers (Priest, Imam and Missionary) attack sounds
- Asian ships now have more voices (two different voices per civ)
- fixed Russian Consulate shipments (Factory now has the right texture, Blockhouses can be improved and can train Strelets)
- Manor Houses can now be deleted (even Town Centers can be deleted, so why not Manors...)
- added proper building animations and models to all new buildings
- many other little or big things...

Wraithlord_Zeratul - - 402 comments


i need to ask u that why i cannot play the Native Americans?

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Alpha2181 - - 1 comments

Add new run option for infantry please
And new units like sharpshooters, trainable stagecoaches(to transport infantry and villagers faster, and maybe even make it to where there's an upgrade that adds armor and a Gatling gun up top)
And wounded units (if someone or something gets shot by a fifty caliber musket, there going to slow down some, I would think)
Hell, a machine gun unit would work to (for the Europeans and an upgrade for the gatling gun, if the Gatling gun was invented in the 1860s then I think it wouldn't hurt to and something that was invented ten years later)

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VitaminK - - 588 comments

good job, looks like quite a bit of work went into this.

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mandosrex Author
mandosrex - - 488 comments

Ups, I haven't checked this page for comments.

1. You can't play as Natives because you either don't have the Warchiefs expansion or you do have it and its the broken pirated one. Look on the mod's blog for details.

2. This has been suggested many times, transport units, but I simply don't like the idea because I know how it would actually work codding wise and I simply don't like it.

3. Units do slow down when attacked dude...

4. Uhm, the Gatling Gun is already in the game, play as the Americans or Revolt to get it.

Thanks for playing!

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