Post feature RSS Faction Info: Wing of Freedom

Here's a brief overview of the Wing of Freedom, an anarchist terrorist group-turned-la resistance/humanitarian group whose main objective is to ultimately end the ongoing wars.

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Depending on who you ask, the Wing of Freedom is described differently. Ask an Allied politician and he'll describe them as "stereotypical terrorists". Ask a mother of a poor family who is in the group's care and she'll describe them as "saviors". Somehow ask a Chimera soldier and it'll describe them as "naive pests who are trying too hard for nothing to stop the war". But only the Wing of Freedom know who they are. The Wing of Freedom is a worldwide resistance movement/humanitarian organization formed by basically a ragtag groups of misfits, so to say. These people come from all walks of life, of different race, language, religion. The resistance movement is lead by a young man named Drake Wheeler, a man who puts others before him and has the courage and determination to lead his people to a better tomorrow. Despite his good aspects, Drake doesn't always look at himself as a hero. He is rather regretful and would also consider himself as more of a warlord than a hero (his friends always try to convince him that he's not). It didn't help that he started off as a member of the original Wing of Freedom, which was an anarchist terrorist group.

Some time in GWWI, he was recruited into the group as a child soldier. He and the group went on causing trouble against most of the world's governments through terrorist attacks and cyber attacks. Naturally, the group became known as a dangerous terrorist organization and efforts were made to stop them at all cause. Drake was the group's best man and eventually, he became the leader's( known as "The Boss") number two. But then came the day where Drake finally found his true calling. The group's headquarter was raided by Allied counter-terrorist units who were able to pick off most of the terrorists. Drake, The Boss and some of the remaining men tried their best to fight against the invaders but were obviously on the losing side. So they decided to make a break for it. They were somehow able to escape but not before losing many men and The Boss shot. The shot The Boss took was a fatal one and he was dying. As his number two, Drake took the leadership of the group. However, he did not want to hurt anyone anymore. He wanted to help people. Joining the group was his biggest mistake but the same group would soon become his redemption. He and the group disappeared until in late GWWII where the group returned as the new Wing of Freedom, a humanitarian aids group which does has some sort of a military. They were still described as terrorists though.

As things went for the worse with the Allied/Japan war, the Soviet uprising, the Chimera insurgence and the Talon/Descendants war, the world's population was left neglected as the superpowers concentrated on their wars. The Wing of Freedom took the responsibility to care and protect the citizens of the world. Drake eventually learns that in this time of war, fighting was the only way to protect. Soon, a world resistance was formed, all for the sole purpose of one objective: to bring back the peace. Drake will be the one to lead the resistance. This is his greatest responsibility yet.

+ Bases do not require power
+ High mobility
+ Excellent economy
+ Unit upgrades via veterancy

- Weak armor
- Weak firepower


-Pyromaniac: Grants improved incendiary weapons and Black Napalm airstrikes when researched
-HAAAX!!!: Grants improved EMP and hacking technology and HALT! Virus attack when researched
-Big Shoota's: Grants military-grade weapons and Artillery Barrage when researched

conscript19 - - 59 comments

Great preview got me interested in the Wing of Freedom :)

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Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

Lol, "HAAAX!!" xD

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