I finally found time over the past few weeks to bring a fresh coat of paint to this mod, as well as rebalance and rework everything I wasn't able to fix before.
What's New?
- Changed FOV for ALL units and vehicles (Again. I missed a lot of vehicles last time. Should be good now.)
- HD Models from Gistech's Visually Improves Sides Mod. Low poly counterparts have been removed from these!)
- New sounds from 'Gistech Visually Improves Sides' mod.
- Rebel Pilot floating head LOD fixed
- Gave a buff to Wookies, to give the rebels a bit more of an edge.
- Max fly height enabled on all maps
- Map AI counts decreased a bit for stability.
- Decreased damage for rifles and pistols and a few other weapons (Again. Spent a looot of time rebalancing the weapons.)
- Grenade blast radius more realistic. No longer will it kill you when you should be far enough away.
- Rifles and simple blasters no longer knock you over as much. This was quite annoying.
- Tusken Raiders and other factions balanced (Again.)
- Gunturrets balanced (Again.)
Would be nice to see the wreckage of mech like ATAT or ATST much longer on map after kill...
Nice to see you're still around! Just something from the research that's been done, removing the lowrez models is likely not a good idea for SBWF1.
WOWOWOW very nice ! instant download
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