Post feature RSS Eaten Alive system

Forget the nanosuit ! Now, you are human. I purpose you the EatenAlive system. You must go search you food for survive.

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Forget the nanosuit ! Now, you are human.

I purpose you the EatenAlive system. You must go search you food for survive.

In Crystal Fog mod, your are not superman, no maximum armor, no maximum strenght, no maxi-anything. Fall, shoot, explosion, bad judgement and your health decrease brutaly. Save your party is a perfect advice in Crystal Fog.

I will put a difficulty more important than original Crysis. When you must be careful your health, the game experience grow in intensity.

You can find on your journey several type of goods. She give back you a part of health.



The Cans give you approximatly 15 point of life.

Banana box

banana box

The Banana box give you approximatly 30 point of life.

You discover other food for refull your health, but I let you the surprise.

A maximum features, photos and videos will be soon coming.

Stay tuned !!!

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