Post feature RSS DLC: Eternal Conflict

Enjoy the thrill of battle with all your favorite FA units, improved eco, new technology upgrades and remastered GPG content for the Supreme Commander 2 enthusiast.

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Elements of playability:
-All TMD improved substantially.
-Factory TML now chooses structures as its first priority target.
-Structure Trainings each provide a 5% increase to mass extractor production rate
-Gunships are slightly faster.
-Assault Bot Combat Buffs (assault bots are more useful in combat)
-Experimental Gantry is more survivable.
-Reduced movement rate of ships.
-Artillery is slightly less powerful.
-WYSIWYG: Super Triton, King Kryptor, AC1K, Darkenoid, Sooprizer, Transports
What You See Is What Your Get (WYSIWYG) - meaning a projectile is doing damage and area of effect proportional to your visual expectations.

-Cybran ACU weapons improved visually.
-Jump Jet speed improved.
-Mega Armor speed improved.
-Cybranosaur Derp Less.
-Cobra slight range increase.
-Cybran Engineer slight range increase.
-Megalith speed reduced slightly and given radar stealth.

-Field Engineer more like the original Sparky.
-Fatboy turret rotation improved. Fatboy now equipped with torpedoes.
-Eagle Eye Scorch Bombs radius improved.
-Eagle Eye Cluster Mini Bombs are now actually tiny bombs. :D
-Disruptor Station now a stronger medium range Artillery.

-Urchinow speed increase.

-Darkenoid can shoot underwater with it's main beam.
-Darkenoid can shoot air with it's mini-beams.
-Bodaboom has an adapter sized shield bubble
-Wilfindja now has a factory sized shield bubble (dps reduced)
-Illuminate Shields reflect 400% more projectile damage than they did before. Lower shield health is not a reduction in durability due to increased damage reflection.

Balance Changes:
-Salem vs. Tigershark (no more need to attack ground)
-Tier1 ships vs. Yenzoo (no more infinite dodging with Yenzoo)
-Executioner vs. Poseidon (Executioner is worth building)
-UEF land factory shield vs. ACU Rush (10K like the other land facs)
-Airnomo vs. massed air (you wanted flak)
-Kraken vs. Ships (better range and torpedoes)
-Command Class (very useful rather than slightly useful)
-Overcharge vs. Land (basic land is less disadvantaged)
-Weebs (Flare and Scorch were both unreasonably good and are now ok fine)
-All Assault Bots equally short range (less kiting around)
-TMD do not miss (accuracy vastly improved)
-Wilfindja vs. Ships (something to support your tank formations)
-Air vs. Mastadons (Mastadon AA was toned down but is still the best naval AA.)

Slight Adjustments Include:
-Illuminate and UEF mobileAA improved shields to improve transition into late game.
-Poseidon AA (Poseidon AA is abysmal)
-Reduced sonar availability.
-All non-experimental land units without a shield bubble, now benefit from personal shield upgrades.
-Slight boost to mobile AA speed
-Slight nerf to demolisher speed (Base speed still faster than Brachman. Range still longer due to upgrade prereq.)
-KK and C-Rex given slight build time decrease and improved weaponry.
-UGC given a range improvement to help compete with monkeylord technology.
-Monkeylord removed AOE from eye laser.

Tech Changes:
-Purely defensive research techs are made cheaper.
-A few techs rearranged due to better similarity of technology.
-Land unit upgrades are more in line with other tech tree costs.
-Detonate is higher on the cybran tech tree allowing some gunship use against Cybran.
-Spruced up the weak branches of the tech trees.
-Cybran Air and Navy research techs improved to keep up with Illuminate and UEF late game.
-UEF ACU research tech improved to match Illuminate and Cybran ACUs.
-Tech prices are more intuitive and systematic.

Wormhole Techs:
-Naval Transport is now available for research after you research transport capacity in the air research tree.
-Eagle Eye Torpedoes upgrade is now available for research after you research the Atlantis experimental aircraft carrier in the Naval Research tree.

-UEF Bomber Camera Radius and Length increased.
-Illuminate PDHunker affects AATowers too.

-All formations have been spread out a to help you manage your forces. Don't forget to use your cntrl clicks to take advantage of the best benefits of concentrated and/or spread formations.

UI: User Interface
-Separate submerge and surface command for submarines. (compliments of LiveOrDie with Revamp Mod)
-Frag or krak bomb commands for Illuminate and UEF bombers.

Eternal Conflict DLC Content:
Heavy Battle Units (Heavy FA Units compliments of LiveOrDie with Revamp Mod) [DLC]:
Commanche - UEF Heavy Assault Bot
Percival - UEF Siege Bot


Wagner - Cybran Submersible Heavy Tank
Deceiver - Cybran Heavy Radar Jammer Tank
Hoplite - Cybran Heavy Rocket Bot
Schneider - Cybran Heavy Bot

Obsidian - Illuminate Heavy Tank
Harbinger - Illuminate Bubble Shield Heavy Bot

All Factions:
Experimental Power Generators

Experimentals (XP FA Units compliments of LiveOrDie with Revamp Mod) [DLC]:
Big Daddy - Mobile Factory Firebase
Matriarch - Mobile Factory Firebase

New Research Content [DLC]
-Build Cost Reduction upgrade for land units (-10% Mass and Energy).
-Submersible upgrade for land units.
-UEF Structures Health II upgrade of 25% health.
-Mastadon Tacticle Missile Launcher upgrade (TML now requires an upgrade).
-Damage upgrade for UEF Navy.
-Heavy Shields upgrade for UEF Navy.
-Shield Generator for UEF ACU.
-SpeedOverdrive for UEF ACU.

-Damage upgrade for Land.
-Add a Mass Production upgrade after the Recycler upgrade (25% buff).
-Structures Bigger Detonate +25% blast radius.
-Naval Factories to be built on land called Launch Ashore Naval Deployment. This upgrade costs 3 RP and comes after LEGS.
-Sonar upgrade for Navy.
-Extra Torpedo Tubes upgrade to the Cybran Navy for 6 RP after the Sonar upgrade. Increase torpedos fired by each ship with torpedoes.
-Damage upgrade for Navy.
-Gemini Torpedo upgrade after Damage.
-Gemini Stealth Field upgrade after Nanoshield.
-Mega Armor for Cybran ACU.
-PowerShuntRegeneration for Cybran ACU.
-EscapeDetonate for Cybran ACU.

-Pulse AA weapon unlock for Vulthoo Gunship.
-Illuminate structure Range upgrade of 15% (reduce Illuminate Pd range to 40) affects: PD, AAT and TML.
-Illuminate structure Damage II upgrade of 25%
-Super Nanites for Illuminate ACU.
-Research Income for Illuminate ACU.
-Chrome Health for Illuminate ACU.

All Factions:
-Mass Production II upgrade of +50% mass production to mass extractors.

To understand the new techs and units it must be played. :)

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