Post feature RSS Civ Overview - Hindustanis

Stake your claim to populous, diverse lands and lucrative trade routes as you step into the conqueror's shoes yourself. A sophisticated division of the labor system, significant scientific achievements, bustling trade networks, and powerful military technology let you rule from the Ganges to Punjab and beyond the Khyber. Your warlords shall make everyone kneel before you.

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"The claim to the populous, diverse lands and lucrative trade routes of Hindustan can be attained as one steps into the conqueror's shoes themselves. With its sophisticated division of the labour system, significant scientific achievements, bustling trade networks, and powerful military technology let allowed Hindustanis to flex their might from the Ganges, through Punjab, Khyber and beyond. This coveted land named after what lays beyond the Indus River, has historically invited a multitude of invasions in all directions. The nomadic Scythians, Kushānas, and Hunas all sought to control the trade routes by taking the prized possession of Mathura. It was later Kannauj that was fought over by the Gurjāras, Bengalis, Deccanis, and even the Kashmiris. But none could outclass the brilliance of Delhi that was snatched by the Islamic powers. To profit from these magnificent cities, one must exert their power in all directions, whether into Afghanistan, Bengal, Deccan, or the Arabian Sea."


The Hindustanis are classified as a Camel Rider and gunpowder civilization. As such, they have excellent Camel Riders with a unique upgrade, faster attack rate, an additional attack bonus against standard buildings, and all upgrades. They also have access to the Hussar which also shares the attack bonus against standard buildings, but no Knights at their disposal. Their archers and Cavalry Archers are usable and their Skirmishers are fully upgraded. They have excellent Hand Cannoneers getting all possible upgrades and getting another +2 range from Shatagni, combined with additional armor, making the Hand Cannoneer one of the most prominent unit in Hindustanis armies. Their infantry misses out on the final armor upgrade and Halberdier, but the Ghulam is a great anti-archer unit. The siege weapons are quite good apart from the missing Heavy Scorpion and rare Siege Onager upgrades, due to having extra armor on their Bombard Cannons and Siege Elephants, which are almost as good as Siege Rams. Their navy is not good, since the Fast Fire Ship, Heavy Demolition Ship, Dry Dock and Shipwright are missing. Their Monks are average. Their defenses are weak, but their economy is good with cheaper Villagers, faster gold income due to Grand Trunk Road, and their unique building, the Caravanserai, which heals and increases speed of Trade Carts in a 10 tile radius. They are also able to train Gazis, who gain +1 attack for every 10 of the Gazis that have fallen in battle (Murattab), the unit becomes battle hardy as it fights on.


Unique Units

Ghulam: Infantry unit that thrusts its spear through multiple targets.


Gazi: Cavalry Unit trained at Stables that gains +1 attack for every ten of them felled.

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Imperial Camel Rider: Upgrade of the Heavy Camel Rider, provides additional HP and attack


Unique Buildings

Caravansarai = Building which heals and speeds up nearby Trade Carts.

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Unique Technologies

UniqueTechCastle DE Grand Trunk Road = Increases the speed of all gold income by +10%.

UniqueTechImperialDE Shatagni = Gives Hand Cannoneers +2 range.

Civilization bonuses

  • Villagers are 10%/15%/20%/25% cheaper in the Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Camel Riders attack 20% faster.
  • Gunpowder units units have +1/+1 armor.

Team bonus

  • Camel units and light cavalry units have +2 attack against standard buildings.

In-game dialogue language

  • Hindustani units speak Hindi.


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Tech Tree

Hindustanis 1

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