Unlock Infinite Sprint - runfast
Unlock Telekinesis - supertk
Unlock Stomp - superstomp
Unlock Blast - superblast
Unlock Buff - superbuff
Unlock Death From Above - superdfa
Disable Super Movement - nosupermove
Disable Super Powers - nosuperpowers
Elevator to Heaven - fryhole
Give $100,000 - cheese
Clear Notoriety - goodygoody
Player Vehicle Smash (any player car will crush other cars like a tank) - isquishyou
Repair current vehicle - repaircar
letsrock - Gives the following weapons (baseball bat, heavy pistol, heavy smg, semi-auto shotgun, automatic rifle, alien rpg and the mcmanus 2020)
Give alien hover vehicle - givehovercar
Give alien hover tank - givehovertank
Give alien ufo - giveufo
Unlock all unlockables - unlockitall
Fast Forward - fastforward
Give XOR (alien hoverbike) - givetrouble
Give Monster Truck - givemonster
ASCII Mode - ascii
Disable Warden spawns - nowardens
Instant Warden Notoriety - instantwarden
Mascot Peds - mascot
Pimps and Hos Peds - hohoho
Insane City - insanecity
Evil Cars - evilcars
Disable Glitch FX - noglitchcity
Big Head Mode - bigheadmode
Invincible Player Vehicle - vroom