Post feature RSS Care Package (supply box)

A little box provides you and your team mates many weapons with a large amount of ammunition.

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1. The box will be dropped somewhere in the maps, locate it using your compass!

Care Package (supply box)

2. To open the box, hold still and hold "use button" [F_by default].Once open, it will give you a weapon, if you don't like it, wait for it to dissapear and open it again. You can do it maximum 5 times.

Care Package (supply box)

3. Grab it by hold [Use button]. Remember you must stand very close to the box.

Care Package (supply box)

Tips: Your team mates can pick it too without losing your turn, and also your enemy. Defend the box and you have only 2 minutes to pick-a-weapon before it dissapear.

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