General Features
- New Menu music.
- Some new tracks for the Atlas in-game playlist.
Atlas General Features
NOTE: These features are only available in Atlas General.
- Buildings:
- Command Center.
- Advanced Power Plants (Initial Power: 8, Upgraded Power: 21).
- Supply Center (with Combat Chinooks).
- Barracks.
- War Factory.
- Airfield.
- Strategy Center (Houses hackers for money-gathering).
- Oil Derrick (Build Limit: 2).
- Firebases (Increased range & Propaganda effect).
- Laser Turrets.
- EMP Turrets.
- Tomahawk Turrets (fire tomahawk missiles).
- Nuclear Missile.
- Units:
- Infantry:
- Ranger.
- Missile Defender.
- Pilot (Heroic Veterancy).
- Pathfinder.
- Hacker.
- Hijacker.
- Colonel Burton.
- Black Lotus.
- Jarmen Kell.
- Delta Force. (Stealthy, advanced weapons, morale boosters)
- Vehicles:
- Dozer
- M1A1 Abrams (Anti-tank, Anti-infantry).
- M2 Bradley (comes with 3 rangers, 6 infantry transport slots, amphibious)
- Laser Crusader.
- ECM Tank.
- Advanced Paladin (Nuclear Shells, Horde Bonus).
- Overlord.
- Aircraft:
- F-18 (Bomber).
- F-22 King Raptor (Stealthy, Detects Stealth).
- F-35 JSF (Stealthy, Nuclear payload, Detects Stealth).
- Aurora Alpha.
- F-117 Nighthawk.
- Commanche.
- Combat Chinook.
- Helix.
- Infantry:
- General's Powers:
- USA General's Powers except Leaflet Drop.
- Chinese Artillery Strike.
- Upgrades:
- Control Rods (Power Plants)
- Supply Lines (Moved to Supply Center).
- Nationalism (Strategy Center).
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center).
- Capture Building (Barracks).
- Chemical Suits (Barracks).
- Flashbang Grenades (Barracks).
- Composite Armor (War Factory).
- Drone Armor (War Factory).
- Mines (Several Buildings).
- Laser Missiles (Airfield).
- Countermeasures (Airfield).
- Bunker Busters (Airfield).
- Rocket Pods (Airfield).
- Stealth Commanches (Airfield).
- Scout drone (Vehicles).
- Hellfire drone (Vehicles).
- Battle drone (Vehicles).
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