new researchs "Fleet Modernization Strategy" and "Fighter Upgrade" for Sileron
all descriptions for Sileron!
new shields, Aegis and Auger ray animations
fixed mesh and texture of admiral ships for Siris and Sileron
change bonuses from magistrates
better quality damage textures
Version 1.33
fixed bugs in the Sileron platforms (for example, hardpoints positions)
four completely new platform - including a new type of platform - warehouse
animation for defense platforms
all icons for the new ships and platforms
new texture for Talorean Matrix effect
new sound effects
Version 1.32
restore Sileron unit speech messages
add unused and rare speech messages for Sileron units and admirals
fixed Forger's laser bug
two completely new ships
restored Monolith
new apperance for five ships
working Atlas for Sileron AI
restored all Sileron special weapons, also for AI usage
fixed some Sileron icons
Version 1.31
better quality ships and platforms textures
fixed some Altaria icons
Version 1.30
new Leviathan for Altaria
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