A second release of XIII Tools, now with a self-made server browser/quering, replacing Ubi's one perfectly.
Supported languages are English and German (full support). Partial support exists for French, Espanol, Italian, Dutch and Czech. (thanks to Blizzard and Opaquit for the localization files)
A second release of XIII Tools, now with a self-made server browser/quering, replacing Ubi's one perfectly.
Supported languages are English and German (full support). Partial support exists for French, Espanol, Italian, Dutch and Czech. (thanks to Blizzard and Opaquit for the localization files)
1. Download and install it. (choose the language you want to play with!)
2. In case you have already played XIII, your main configuration file (XIII.ini) is backup as "XIII.ini.bak". A new one is automatically created from the Default.ini. Pick the (net) settings you like to transfer from the backup file to your brand new XIII.ini manually.
3. You are done! Get in and populate the server list!11eleven
What's coming up next to do:
* Improve master server capabilities
* Bot configuration per GUI
* solve few optical glitches
* Mutator stuff
I'll keep it short: Feel free to tell about your experiences on using it.
There's only one step you should do before hosting yourself a game:
Go to the mods section and select the classic mode in case it isn't enabled already. It allows you to play the original gametypes instead of the custom ones. (which are still work-in-progress)
Update (26.10.2012):
How to read
Example 1: SetName(string New) -> "SetName XIII+"
Example 2: AddBot(int SkillID, int TeamID) -> "AddBot 0 1" = Bot * in blue team
string = character string ("some_string")
int = integer number ("47")
float = float number ("47.0")
byte = number from 0 to 255 (for teams usually there are only 0->red, 1->blue, 2->green, 3->gold)
General commands
SetName(string NewName)
SetSkin(string NewName)
GameSpeed(float GameSpeed)
Skins(string NewSKode) - Change skin of all players (including the invoker, also bots)
SkinsPlayer(string NewSKode) - Change skin of all players (including the invoker)
SkinsBot(string NewSKode) - Change skin of every bot (not applying to bots joining after invoke)
SkinsPlayerTeam(string NewSKode, byte TeamID)
SkinsBotTeam(string NewSKode, byte TeamID)
Teams(byte NewTeam) - Move everyone to a specific team
TeamsPlayer(byte NewTeam) - Move every player to one team
TeamsBot(byte NewTeam) - Move every bot to one team
Bot management
AddBot(int SkillID, int TeamID)
AddBotRed(int SkillID) (to be added in XIII Tools Pre-Beta 2 Revision 1)
AddBotBlue(int SkillID) (to be added in XIII Tools Pre-Beta 2 Revision 1)
AddBotGreen(int SkillID) (to be added in XIII Tools Pre-Beta 2 Revision 1)
AddBotGold(int SkillID) (to be added in XIII Tools Pre-Beta 2 Revision 1)
AddBots(int NbBots, int SkillID, int TeamID)
RemBot(int NbBots)
RemBotTeam(int NbBots, byte TeamID)
Debugging/Fun stuff
Key shortcuts
F3: Stat Net
F4: Stat FPS
FS() - switch between fullscreen and window mode
DropWeapon() - available for listen server host only
SetViewTarget(int DestPlayerID, int SrcPlayerID)
SetViewTargetUp(bool bFrontView)
SetViewTargetDown(bool bFrontView)
InsideXIII() - visit InsideXIII.eu in your default browser
RestartMap() - no multiplayer support implemented yet