Finally it's there, the Demoversion of the TC for Doom 3: Weatherman.
Weatherman Demo V0.35
1). First make sure you have your Doom 3 updated to Patch 1.3.1 and you run windows.
2). Put the WeathermanDemo directory into your Doom 3 Folder (not base).
3). Open the WeathermanDemo folder and use one of the following options:
a) weatherman720p.bat -> starts Weatherman in 720p, windowmode
b) weatherman720pFullscreen -> starts weatherman in 720p, fullscreenmode
a) weatherman1080p.bat -> starts Weatherman in 1080p, windowmode
b) weatherman1080pFullscreen -> starts weatherman in 1080p, fullscreenmode
4.) Have fun playing the Demo!
X - Sprint
C - Crouch
V - Attack (will be excluded in final version)
B - Switch Worlds
Arrow Up - Walk Forward
Arrow Down - Walk Backwards
Space - Jump
Hint: Best to play is having your thumb on the spacebar, your pinkie on X, the ringfinger
on C, the middlefinger on V and the forefinger on B (left hand).
The right hand is on the arrows of the keyboard.
This is only a short Demo-Version showing the features. Included is a tutorial map and
the 4th stage, which therefore might be hard to play through. In the Full version will be
6 stages featuring the themes fire/wind and ice/water (as seen in the demo).
Currently it's a widescreen-ONLY title, meaning only 720p and 1080p is recomended to play
with. If changed by the user in any way, the game experience might change.
Also there are no options yet because it still is a alpha.
It's prohibited to sell this Demo and to steal assets from it without permission.