
Welcome to Uprising Evolved v1.2!This mod is designed to make the level Uprising feel like a true uprising - the Covenant has splintered, as the Brutes have turned on the Elites and any soldiers in the Covenant military who support them. Chaos now reigns on the surface of Installation 05 as Brutes run rampant, attacking Elites and their allies. Unlike the original mission, which split the Covenant forces into allied Elites and Grunts against enemy Brutes, Jackals and Drones, Uprising Evolved aims to enhance the feeling of the chaos of the Great Schism by greatly diversifying the allies and enemies you will encounter in the mission, and greatly increasing the number of allies and enemies to make a true war - you can storm through the facility amassing a hoard of allies to crush the Brutes like never before!

Uprising Evolved v1.2
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how do I prevent fatal error on loading the level? started with anti-cheat disabled and everything

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