
Alternate (epic!) cover tracks by various artists, edited for looping purposes. Easy to install. The default tracks have been selected for being appropriately thematic and (in my opinion) high quality, however there are many alternate tracks for fans of Synth, Rock, and more. Covers most themes for Areas, Characters and Bosses. Featuring RichaadEB, StringGamerPlayer, DM Dokuro, Insanentherainmusic, Gooseworx, Nirre, Nick Oleksiak, LittleVMills, and more! I take absolutely no credit for any of the music, save for a few minutes of editing. Please leave a comment if you have feedback or suggestions. Keep it constructive and specific so I can effectively fix or improve this mod. Notes: Credits and the modding guide still needs updating, but that's a task for tomorrow. Patch log: Version 1.2: Multiple volume/looping fix, and default tracks swapped with ones in the Alternative add-on.

Undertale Music Mod V1.2
Milesrain - - 5 comments

This is just awesome,keep up the great work.

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

More comments like these may inspire me to actually do so lol.

That reminds me, I REALLY need to sort out that credits list...

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Is there a way to mod Frisk's Sprite into like Dio Brando or a Red Mage?

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

You are asking the wrong person. The only thing I can do is fiddle with music files.

I have seen videos, but I have no idea if it's a mod or photoshop.

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DarthJamek - - 24 comments

listening to these tunes fills me with Determination

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Epicvids - - 1 comments

What music is in this mod

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

how do you put this mod into the game?

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

The mod comes with a text file with installation instructions. It's a really simple copy/paste job, as long as you know where the files for your Undertale game are stored.

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UnderTaleFellSwap - - 1 comments

Hey This Is An Amazing Mod By The Way!

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Hey, so I'm trying to access the vanilla music files to copy them but all I'm coming up with is the appdata screen, which does not have them. Could you help point me towards them? (using windows 10 btw)

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

Appdata? That sounds like where the save files are stored.

I don't know if it's any different on Windows 10, but the default path for Windows 7 is listed in the instructions (C > Programs (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Undertale).

Hope this helps!

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Robertthehedgehog - - 2 comments

Do you have an idea when the next update is. I would lake to see some more new music and maybe even sound effects. As well as the moded credits.

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

I've had a couple of suggestions that I should reaaaaally get around to, so maybe within the month, plus I have a backlog of tracks that I should probably also add to the alternatives for anyone who wants to swap stuff out.

As for Credits, I've not seen any covers that I think are really improvements of the original, but I may dump one in the "alternatives" track.

Don't count on most of the sound effects being swapped, as many of them are hidden deep in the file. In order to change those, I'd either have to ask modders to go through some INCREDIBLY fiddly steps that I myself can barely wrap my head around, or upload custom versions of the file, which unfortunately would be borderline piracy since anyone with GameMaker Studios could then use it to access the game for free (or at least so I hear).

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Amazing mod

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Robertthehedgehog - - 2 comments

Understandable TheFallenS7. At least your trying. And life and can get hard. But like I said, your trying. I hope to hear from you soon about an update. I can only dream of what it will be. (Yes I made Reference to Hopes and Dreams, so sue me)

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Hey keep up the good work TheFallenS7 And you will be a great person to grow up into!

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

I can't figure out how to get this to work on Windows 10. Help plz?

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

Have you tried turning it off and then on?

Sorry, my little ****** joke, but in all seriousness you're gonna have to give me more to go on than that. The mod comes with installation instructions. Have you gone through those? And do you know where your Undertale files are stored?

I don't know if it's any different on Windows 10, but the default path for Windows 7 is listed in the instructions (C > Programs (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Undertale)

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batmasterson - - 1 comments

For all Win10 users, there should be an app data category that has a steam folder in it. Click that folder and then find the Undertale file and you're ready to change the music around:) I had a bit of a hard time finding it too, but it's so worth it, this mod is AMAZING!!!

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

Can you give me the default directory, by any chance? Since this seems to be a common issue, it would be worth updating the Installation instructions.

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Good mod!

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

Hey, just a quick tip for people who can't get undertale's files, go to steam, right click undertale on your games list, then go properties, local files and browse local files. Hope this helps! BTW KOOL MOD!

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

so i downloaded v1.16 a while ago and i was wondering what the source of the Alphys cover is

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TheFallenS7 Author
TheFallenS7 - - 36 comments

Nick Oleksiak

He did a lot of cool tracks for songs that most people look over when they want to make a fan cover. There's a billion covers for Megalovania, but VERY few for, well, Alphys' lab.

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Piecat - - 5 comments

ha ha ha you left the ruins as a .wav ha ha ha please fix

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ramadb2020 - - 2 comments

yeah. he left the ruins as a wav. he haves to fix that in the next update, i talk spanish and i am argentinian

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Guest - - 705,623 comments

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