NEW aaaand better version of tns adding new nations lots of new flavor and countless bug fixes so come enjoy the insanity of this mod in victoria 2.
As of now you can do many MANY more things in the mod compared to the past and heres some of it:
-Core the entire baltic and integrate novgorod as the Nordic Empire of Scandinavia
-Unite the balkans as Rumelia and go on to core all of italy and the balkans as the land of the romans that you are
-Kick out the Africans of Cartago from the coastline as the visigoths or italians and in future updates a planned western roman path but as of now you can form Iberia as Toledu and Core a decent amount of land as italy so stay tuned to the roman update
-Core all of Brittania as the Celtic Prydain and kicking out the viking invaders once and for all, along with forming the celtic union and getting many accepted cultures like briton from brittany and even including the one of your own ex colony Avalon the land of the apples
-uniting the Broken Frankish empire and dominate western europe with your many cores and accepted cultures along with the reclamation of alllll of your old colonial holdings
-Coring and accepting all of north libya(africa) and all of italia and hispania as Africa(carthage) since you are of course the southern roman empire
-unite the slavs and pursue a pan slavic dream as one of the east slavs or poles
-unite the continent of andronica(south america) as one of the starting nations there
-unite mexico as either texas or nova toledu
-core all of the big 3 in the east coast of vinland(north america)
-create the silver ring along the caribbean as either new batavia or sallia both frankish colonies who can encircle the entire caribbean as opposed to their normal path left alone in their own continents
-expand in all directions and acquire cores and accepted cultures as the german empire from probaably Saxony crushing the other empires who had previously defeated the germans a long time ago
-accept and core a large swate of land as moravia aka Magna Rumena and forming the danubian federation acquring even more accepted cultures and cores across the balkans
-defeat the moravians and hungarians as either the serbians or croats in their new position and claim the pannonian basin for yourself as you pursue the yugoslavia of tns
all of this and much more on tns so come and play this mad mod and please notify me trough modb messages of any issue you may find good day and hope you enjoy yourself!
is migration fair in this mod or america gets all the migration?
TNS is based on HFM and its migration allows for places like australia and south africa to receive immigrants as well