This is the 1.2 Patch for Stargate Empire at War. Please be aware of the fact that we won`t provide any support on this patch because we only had a supporting role on its development and also simply won’t withdraw any personal from the Pegasus Chronicles development.
!!!!!!Vorraussetzung ist, dass die Version 1.1 installiert ist. Bitte achtet darauf, dass der Mod-Ordner "Stargate" heißt, und ihr keine eigenen Mods, Karten oder Addons von anderen habt!!!!!!
!!!!!! Condition is that you have installed version 1.1. Make sure that the mod folder is named "Stargate" you don't have own mods, maps or other addons installed !!!!!!
Changelog from CarlKenners 1.2 BetaPatch:
What's new
GC: Stargate Universe Hotfix (HuGuSSi, Commander Cody, assassin2142) + correct intro dialog (Carl Kenner):
Buggy "Coming Soon" GC campaigns were removed from list, Pegasus campaign partially fixed, planets made reachable (Carl):
Dejara was moved, typos were fixed, storm troopers are no longer displayed, most pegasus planets sort-of work (Carl):
Stargate movies now play when you win a GC campaign instead of Star Wars movies (Carl):
Apollo is buildable in skirmish, General Hammond in Prometheus displays correctly (Carl):
Show Dr. Weir's head (Carl)
Fix ZPMs and generators - note ZPMs affect all large ships in the battle, not just the one they're attached to (Carl)
[Missing] tooltip on Autoresolve button fixed - was broken in original EAW too :-D, and bombing run button made blank and dark grey (Carl):
BBS sound effects fixed, buggy sandbags disabled, command centre icon fixed (Carl):
Credits for patches added (Carl):
[Missing]s, StarWars references, Bugs, typos, better hints, etc (Carl):
StringEditor versions of text files (Carl):
Data\Text\Stargate English and German.VDF
Intros for GC campaigns have the incorrect objectives removed (Carl):
Things can be built like normal in the Pegasus galaxy campaign (Carl):
Maps only have Map Name and Planet Name changed to make them display properly without [Missing]s, or gibberish (Carl):
(not all maps have been fixed, only the worst ones)
Stargate icon (Carl)
Changelog from Baals final 1.2 Patch:
Changelog 1.2
-BBS maps für Singleplayer, (der jeweilige Gegner hat eine normale Basis, während man selbst ein BBS-Gate hat) Jede map 3 mal (Tauri, Goauld, Multiplayer)
-Übersetzung englischer Texte
-Neue Icons für GE-Forschungen
-Neues Icon für McKay
-Neues Icon für Anubis-Hatak
-Neues Icon für den Antiker-Stuhl
-Neue Radar-Icons für Raumstationen
-Asgardlaser der Hammond-Prometheus entfernt
-Apollo-Bug behoben (Fähigkeit durch Waffenwechsel ersetzt)
-Gefecht-Maps neu benannt, doppelt vorhandene entfernt -> Fast keine MISSINGs in Gefecht-Ladeblidschirmen mehr
-Sprachsounds für SG1 (Boden) hinzugefügt
-Wraith haben deutlich mehr Widerstand
Stargate Universum
-Verkürzte Zeitabstände
-Event Pangar rausgenommen, SG1 spawnt nicht mehr
-Event Hassara rausgenommen, Selmak spawnt nicht mehr
Wille der Ori
-Event Operationsbasis funktioniert
-"Auf Sartorus gefunden" entfernt
-"Hammond zurück" entfernt
-Prometheus-Bug entfernt
-neues Event: Lade der Wahrheit
Pegasusgalaxie (Nur Tauri)
-(z.T.neue) Maps für alle Planeten -> keine Milchstrassengates mehr.
-neue Story
-Event Aufbruch in eine neue Welt
-Event Entführung nach Lesaria
-Event Ankunft Daedalus+ZPM
-Event Aurora - Taranis/Orion
-Event Asuras (beinhaltet Apollo-Spawn)
-Event Entführung Sheppard (Story abgeändert)
-Event Midway-Station
-Event Goa'uld in der Pegasusgalaxie
Bekannte Bugs:
-Rückzug in der Ori-GE ist nach der Tegalus-Mission nicht mehr möglich
-Auf einigen Planeten in der Pegasus-GE führt Autokampf zum Absturz
-Auf einigen Planeten in der Pegasus-GE kann man weniger Gebäude bauen, als man freie Bauplätze hat.
-Es kann zu zufälligen abstürzen in der Pegasus-GE kommen.
-Bombing Run führt immer zum Absturz.
-Teilweise keine Map-Vorschau im Gefecht und auf Ladebildschirmen.
Changelog 1.2
-BBS maps for Singleplayer (the enemy has got a normal base, you have a BBS-Gate) Each map three times (Tauri, Goauld, multiplayer)
-English texts translated (German version only)
-New icons for GE research
-New icon for McKay
-New icon for Anubis-Hatak
-New icon for the aincent chair
-New Minimap icons for starbases
-Asgardweapons of Hamond- Prometheus removed
-Apollo-Bug fixed (Ability changed to Weapon-change)
-Skirmish maps renamed, double maps removed
-most MISSINGs in skirmish loading-screens removed
-Speechsounds for SG1 added (German version only)
-Wraith have more resittance
-Event: Operation-base fixed
-Event: found something on Sartorus removed
-Event: Hammond back removed
-New Event: Akr of Truth
Stargate Universe
-shorter times between events
-Event Pangar removed
-Event Hassara removed
PEGASUS-GC (Tauri only):
-New maps for many planets
-Milkyway-Gates removed
-New Story:
-finding Atlantis
-Daedalus (ZPM) arrival
-Aurora/Taranis (story changed)
-Asuras (includes Apollo-spawn)
-Genii prison camp (story changed)
-Goa'uld in the Pegasus-Galaxy
-Tactical retreat in the Ori-GC is impossible after the Tegalus-Mission
-On some Planets in the Pegasus-GE autoresolve may cause a game-crash
-On some planets in the Pegasus-GC youcan't build as much buildings as you have free space
-There may ba a random game-crash in the Pegasus GC
-Bombing run always causes game-crash
-There may be no Map-preview on loading-screen (skirmish and GC)
Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the conversation.
Yay ^^ cant wait to play it.
one thing is it going in the eaw or eaw foc ??
Its for EAW FOC :l
So it didnt work for me D:
Like the name claims, its a patch, which patches the 1.1 for normal Eaw. This is neither PC nor for FOC.
not for me either
maybe worked on eaw but its no wrait class
Sure it's just work for EaW because it't a PATCH for the 1.1 Version.
And this version is EaW ONLY!
does anyone else has a problem with the buttons and Icons in the game under Patch 1.2? my grafic is totaly strange, the normal buttons in the main menu have a begground with some icons like the ioncannon. same problme in the campagne it self
oder auf deutsch wo ich das problem besser beschreiben kann^^
wenn ich das spiel starte und in den hauptbildschirm komme, sind sämtliche Buttons mit seltsamen Hintergründen versehen. um genau zusein sind es Icons zb von der Mine im Weltraum oder der Ionenkanone. In der Campagne selbst ist das gleiche problem vorhanden seltsame Bilder statt der normalen für einheiten. unter 1.1 liefs noch
Wir arbeiten dran. Du könntest uns helfen indem du uns sagst ob du ne ATI Grafikkarte benutzt ;)
no wokr fine to me
jedes mal wenn ich den Patch öffnen möchte steht da:
Patch 1.2 hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden. ... wisst ihr was da los ist?
Es ist möglich das diese Meldung dadurch ausgelöst wird das du eine zu niedrige Net Framework Version auf deinem Rechner hast...probier es mal mit einem Update.
danke dir :) aber ich habs anders nun auch hinbekommen. ich hab die Daten alle so entpackt und dann selbst eingefügt:)
good work.and you no fix i cant caputer hoff
hab ne frage ich habe den inoffical patch 1.2 drauf kann ich den offical trotzdem installieren achja noch was kann man im update jetzt die wraith auch als fraktion durch suchten(zocken)oder kommt das erst später
On the profile to the left is says :
Game: Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption
Because that is the profile for the new mod we are working on. If people would only start reading...
From the Readme up there: "!!!!!! Condition is that you have installed version 1.1.[...]"
what does this patch changes?
Dude are you serious?? Read the changelog in the download description!
oh sorry :S didn't quite see it... good work on stargate :)
is their something i need to do to get the zpm at proclarush taonas in the stargate universe cuz i remember getting it in the last version? also did u take out thor i havnt goten him either?
nvm about thor i got him but still no ZPM iv had sg1 sitting on the planet for like 2 hrs now?
hey can somone tell me how i can fix my mesed up icon and button problem?
we are working on it
would it be at all possible to release an installer that doesnt automatically search for the previous version, I have EAW installed on an external and it cannot find it even tho i know it is there
Same here, please help
fixed this myself.. create a temporary directory of eaw in ur program files matching the original eaw one
ie: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\star wars empire at war\GameData WITH the Stargate 1.1 installed here as usual (no need for a fresh install of EAW)
the 1.2 patch should pick it up
best if you create the above directory, do a fresh install of 1.1 as you would normally to eaw (but to this directory) then patch :)
then copy and paste the files to where ur install is lol
some of the land and space maps in GC just loads and reloads after u press start could you fix that in the next patch oh and i don't get the event to P3X 439 mission after i finish the promethus one i just doesn't pop up even after the event is activated and some of the audio is german or some other language.
cool wrait hive with zpm but its so easy to kill it xD it dont shoot back on you
anyone knows how to fix these problems
Do you mean the icon problem? We are working on it.
no i meant the problems in my previous post
previous post: some of the land and space maps in GC just loads and reloads after u press start could you fix that in the next patch oh and i don't get the event to P3X 439 mission after i finish the promethus one i just doesn't pop up even after the event is activated and some of the audio is german or some other language.
I've already answered this in the forum. The maps are just missing.
yea sorry i posted this before i read the forum
when i meet the wraith hive with zpm it comes to me but dont shoot and it takes time to kill it but its to easy when it dont have any weapons
would be nice to fix the wraith hive zpm. awsome mod by the way :p
and will the wrait class be playable as a 3td class ? or can you take the replicators instead of wraith.... or take the goa'uld with humans since the atlantis its only replicators and wraith that is their problem
Just if it's not clear:
we won't change more things for this release. The whole team is working on Pegasus Chronicles and Baal, the creator of this unofficial patch, will surely not make such big changes.
The only thing that will be released is a hotfix, that fixes for example the commandbar issue.
for people having problem with command bar on patch 1.2, by reading in the german part of the forum(google translate), i changed the "Mt_commandbar.mtd" and "Mt_commandbar.tga" with the old ones(from 1.1) this way command bar works, of course the changes made to command bar in 1.2 will not show if you do this. Just a temp fix :). Oh, by the way I like the mod very much, I've found out about it a year ago and I'm playing it since then and wanted to thank you guys for creating such a great mod, can't wait to play pegasus chronicles.
Loved the mod... and was looking forward to some sort of patch to fix ll the little things. But when i booted the game up all the symbols and icons for ships/building/units etc are completely messed up. Is this something i'm stuck with or can i fix it manually?
This mod is very good I really enjoyed playing it. If there is one thing I can recommend it is that there is a Humvee with 50.Cal's or something in this, I know you have it for the FOC one but if you make another one for EAW please include it. Thanks for all your handwork you are a great mod team.
Since applying this patch whenever i save a game and then load it later everything just freezes. Have tried auto save as well same thing cannot see how to sort it myself and i love this mod only reason i play eaw anymore. Yes i have edited some of the xml's so i can have more ships and increased the number of mk2 bc304's but surely that wouldn't create the freeze issue. Any help greatly appreciatted on this guys as it is ruining an otherwise excellent mod :).
When in skirmish and your I am playing a space battle at he bottom for the information of each ship it says build limit then a number. Does this mean there is a maximum amount of ships you can build per battle of each type?
Me and my brother loves star gate all star trek.
Hey, richtig geile Mod, aber ich hab da ein kleines problem! Über netzwerk kann ich kein spiel starten ohne das er mich kickt!
Also kann ich es quasi nur alleine Spielen.
2. Problem, wenn ich die Version 1.1 habe, funktioniert alles soweit wie es halt funktioniert ;)
Aber sobald ich Patch 1.2 draufhaue, sind meine buttons mit einer grafik im hintergrund versehen und auch sonst so, habe ich "grafikbugs" (ich nenne sie jetzt mal so) die ganzen icons überhaupt nicht mehr zu erkennen. alles seltsam und ja ich benutze eine ATI Raedon Graka! MfG Messuri
@#####@!!# the patch isn't working!!!!!!!!!! it says it failed to initialized properly!
same here its not working i have xp jsyn, and the sgeaw installed and worked well just not doing the patch like gen4321
i download it, but in tis mod my heros can't fire and my ships are captured hatack, bc-304 x-303.... And the images are star wars!!
(sorry i can't speak english)
i hate the crashes with the tegulas mission and the incomplete ori invasion + pegasus campaigns.
excuse me? i have a big problem with this. the buttons are all f**ked up. The pictures are just messes. can you help me out? if not, tell me how i can get the right things to work in the old 1.1. Cheers