
This release is for EAW only. It goes into your EAW/gamedata/ folder. This is version 1.68. This release has some major additions, updates, and bug fixes.

Star Wars: Empire at War Mini Mod 1.68
Power_C Author
Power_C - - 77 comments

I reuploaded this mod (From 1.6 to 1.68). There is a minor mistake, somewhere in the past I copied Home_One code from FOC. This just affects some tooltips from displaying.

It's not a big deal, so if you see this or you notice the missing tooltip for Home One and came here to report the bug. Please redownload this mod.

The 2nd thing is probably not even noticeble by most people. I simply forgot to scale down the death scene for the Interdictor to match the ship.

These aren't enough changes to warrant a new version. So I simply replaced it.

Thank you.

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