
V.2.2 "Arks of Damnation". This latest version of the Skalgrim mod adds 45 new ships (!), a whole new playable subfaction - the Dark Mechanicum, and also does some pretty big overhauls and balance changes.

Skalgrim Mod 2.2
Nicopathe - - 129 comments

"Blessed be the coruscating plasma of the engine room, Spiritus Machina protect us from thy burning doom.
Harness unto our will the power of light, Let conduit and coil work alright!"

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M.Leo - - 224 comments

Awesome, thank you.

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Colonel_Atlas - - 42 comments

Praise the Emperor, salvation is at hand and vengeance long due!

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donhatquang1994 - - 4 comments

Hi there, one small question: Can you build the Monarchia Redeemer in the Campaign? If not, can it be added? That ship is still the most majestic ship in the game despite the bigger stuffs.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

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DoubbleBobby - - 2 comments

Hi guys ! I'm in a bit of pickle y'see . Long story short, im broke, i love the game , cracked it ( asking for mercy would be heresy) and therefore strayed from the installation to-do list as such : coudn't change the launch options in any directory as it is in none . Now it won't start , blinding me with a failure to open descriptor file . So i conjured the internet, but only the same answer as to 'check files consistency' , that my spirit machine cannot operate . Bröthers pls hlp
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
Blood for the blood god,
pikachu i choose you

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Hey! When my battles start a lot of ships lose random amounts of health (for example, Righteous Protector, Battleship Agamemnon, drops to 1600/3500 health)

At first I Thought this was part of your rebalancing, but it shows in-game as health missing instead (as in, the max total hp for my flagship is 3500 still). Is that the case? Is this just intended and the ships spawning in then receiving damage during deployment is just a visual bug? It just seems odd

I cant seem to find the reworked stats listed anywhere, and I just get gibberish if I try to open the CSV files locally.

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

If you have that then you most likely have started a ongoing campaign (saved campaign) after installing the mod. While this still "works" its recommended that you start a new campaign after installing (or updating) the mod.

You would have to sell your ships and by new ones to get the correct stats or start a new campaign.

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BUG: the Necron Lightning Dragging ability as well as the Necron "all Crits do Fires" for lightning weapons are bugged.

the lightning drag just causes ships to vibrate in place, where as the lightning fire thing seems to do currently absolutely nothing.

Further, none of the shipyard modifications seem to work for anything campaign but the tyranid campaign.

Other notes is the Throne of the Silent King: it seems HORRIFICALLY over costed compared to the Anubis, I'd suggest either adding another two or three mega gauss guns on it, or replacing the 9000 range lightning arc gusn with the bigger more powerful 13500 range ones. It just really can't compete with the value of the absurd value of the giga lightning spam from the anubis.

ALSO: is there a mod I can download to skip the stupid stealth mission for chaos? Because WOW it's just BS to do forced stealth AND I can't find the mod that you talk about that's suppoused to make it easier.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

After the first self-oboe, the game gives an error, please fix the mod installed according to the instructions and everything is as written

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

You should read the installation instructions, and especially the part about "my games doesn't work" or "error message on start" parts. Its not a mod issue - its the base game. For which there is a fix.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Leveling up in the necron campaign seems to be broken. I am at level 4 and my fleet cap and leadership cap has not risen once. I am unable to deploy the cairn at all since its its 675 points and my base leadership is 600. I am also not able to increase my fleet size over 480. I have never played a necron campaign, is that just its feature? do they gain leadership slower than other races?

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

They have a slower start, yes, (due to them getting much more powerful ships from the beginning) but has the same end amount as other factions. Then of course it also matters what settings you start your campaign with. But at base settings it takes a few more levels before you see an increase in your fleet/battle sizes and available fleets.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Anyone have the issue where the tyranid campaign won't load and gets stuck at the loading screen?

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

A few people have had this issue, and it seems to be hardware related as the Tyranids are the most hardware using faction, as in their ships use up alot of the GPU power, and the mod also increases their numbers quite a bit.

First up, have you tried a maxed out "Massive battle" using them? Thats kind of a bench mark test really. If that is also problematic, try to lower the settings in a custom campaign ( fleet/battle size) .

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l3RY4N - - 87 comments

I currently have the same problem. idk how strong of a GPU one would need (i have a 3070Ti) but task manager says its at max 40% load while trying to load the 'nids campaign

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frankperaza - - 1 comments

Anyone have the issue of the game crashing after a min. i have try running it in admin and still the same problem.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Hey skalgrim big fan i have a question. I used the 2.2 and for whatever reason there’s like a limited amount of what I’m supposed to get like no new admech. Did I install it wrong I’ve uninstalled it and reinstalled the mod several times

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Yes you have not installed it correctly. Read and follow the instructions and/or watch the linked "how to install". Its really easy and you have with near 100 percent certainty missed to move a single file from one folder to another as you should.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Ok thank you

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

I don’t see a stock file in my game

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Its a folder not a file. And its in the archive you downloaded. If you for some reason have not moved it as instructed you can just create it on your computer and move the .pak file there as instructed. See the last part is what is important.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Hey how would i go about doing coop with this mod

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Click on the description, read the instructions regarding coop.

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callitri - - 80 comments

hi there great mod been using it a while , now i reinstalled it and did titans go to a seperate space? meaning i dont see them when i wana build ships. i am not the high lvl but i see everything up till battleships and in the past i seen all titans included , are they built in a different way now?

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

They are not. If you can't see them in skirmish battles then you have probably botched the installation.

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coccociloveyou1122 - - 1 comments

I installed the mod today, followed every step of the Installation instructions file, the game run but it crash and kick me out to window after few minute ?!!? help pls

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Ah I found answer in instruction file many thks

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rcasks - - 2 comments

hey great mod thank you for your time and work! i noticed i do not see the dark mechanicum in battle mode or the campaign and i feel like i followed the instructions well and i have all other new ships for the other factions. regardless in advance thanks for your time :D

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

If you have installed it (the 2.2 version) correctly, then the Dark Mechanicum forces are available to build as their own Chaos subfaction in the Chaos Campaign. They are mixed into the Chaos ship rooster in the battle mode.

And to be clear, if you have installed it correctly you have access to a vast number of new ships, with missing ship icons, in the ship building screens of either game mode.

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rcasks - - 2 comments

Okay thank you so much for the thorough response! I see now that all of that is available I just hadn't realized that it would be tied into chaos roster which makes perfect sense now that I think about it.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

so im hawing trubel whit the folder u suposed to drag as the step to implemnt the mode not being there im using the explorer(the folder on the bar att botom of screan) to get it to overrite after extraitking filles in winrar Nwm u need to go in to the BTFG 2 time to get to the corect area to overvrite

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Im happy you found the right place and got it working. Have fun with the mod.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

I don't know if that's intended or not, but the Volkite Lance on Chaos light cruisers is doing a whopping 533 damage per shot every 8 seconds. I have no clue how to counter them since they always are able to catch up with me.

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

You shoot/bomb/board them before they get close, or use abilities to slow them down, or have escort ships for protection. Its just like the Spear for Admech, which does even more damage but more rarely with its Melta.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

I went through with the installation as per the procedure, and soon found a game with no modifications (no ships added) other than the wallpaper, why is this?

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Because you have not installed it correctly and in the right place perhaps. You also - which is stated so many times Im tired at repeating myself - need to move one file into a specific folder (stock folder).

Basically, if you have added the files from the .rar archive to the CORRECT place on your computer, allowed the files to overwrite what they need - moved that one single file as instructed and have turned off EAC using the command prompt as instructed - the mod will work.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Sorry for asking but is there no picture for the new ships? or did i do something wrong during installation? thank you for the mods

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

There is not, and no you did not do anything wrong. Its a "bug" described in the readme and is not something that can be fixed as its part of how we "tricked" the game to accept ships not in the original game.

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deathtrooper900 - - 781 comments

Hey man, I've been having trouble with the mod. I've used this one for quite a long time, so I'm fairly comfortable with installation and such. But now I can't get the game to run the mod for more than about 2 min before it just crashes. If I move fast I can start a new campaign and just about listen to some of the opening dialogue, but if I just sit on the main menu it also still crashes. Any idea what might be causing it?

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

This is an issue with intel 11th+ gen processors for all games that use a specific version of Unreal Engine. There is a fix:

From the FAQ:

"Q: My game stops working after a minute or two due to a Unreal Engine error, what can I do?!

A: I solution to this real error due to UE having problems with some chipsets (intel 11'th+ gen) have been found.

Step 1. Open "Control Panel" by searching for it in Windows search bar, by pressing the Windows button or key.
Step 2. Go to "System & Security"
Step 3. Go to "System" and Press "Advanced system settings"
Step 4. Press "Environmental Variables"
Step 5. Create a new "System Variable" (NOT USER VARIABLE)
Step 6. Enter the following into the Variable name box: OPENSSL_ia32cap
Step 7. Enter the following into the Variable value box: ~0x20000000
Step 8. Now press OK.
Step 9. Restart"

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

Hello, After a number of turns in campaign mode, My game crashes after pressing end turn. Do you know how to fix this

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SkalgrimFellaxe Author
SkalgrimFellaxe - - 794 comments

Q: My mission/saved game battle is broken and I cannot complete it... what do I do?


It can happen with some missions due to scripting issues, which is
however not caused by the mod but have been a thing in the vanilla game
since forever.

Issues can happen by "jumping the gun" and going for objectives faster than say certain text messages/prompts - or by
bypassing parts of the mission you are "expected" to do first. They can
also just be caused by general wonkieness and one of the more well known
ones is the Phalanx becoming immortal or not teleporting out/getting
stuck before supposedly ending the missions in which it appears.

Now when this happens the save file can get corrupted, meaning that
redoing the mission will lead to the same error. The only known fix for
this you can try other than starting a new campaign is the following:

1: Leave/don't do the mission. If its a save prior to launching the mission just don't start it.
2: Instead move your fleets around. Start and finish a different battle than the scripted/broken one.
3: Save the game.
4: Exit and load up the newly saved game again.
5: Now try the previously broken mission/battle.

For most people this fixes the issue. For unknown reasons just moving fleets around does not seem to
solve the issue for most people, but a different battle + new save +
load up of this new save seems to be needed. Not sure why but corrupted
data seems to be saved on a fleet to fleet basis, but battles forces the
game to redo fleet data which seems to be linked to the scripts that
cause the errors in some cases. This also helps with other broken save
data errors.

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captainx54 - - 2 comments

can that actually fix the end turn crash? i keep getting passed it reloading to have it happening over and over.

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Guest - - 706,020 comments

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