version 0.86E Changes: all gamemodes Time limits changed to 15m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m 90m 120m doesntdisplayinmenuyet and Total war no time limit lasts 30mins each era HQ building can be built in 1942+ and price to $350 AI tweaks ADV AT gun ranges fixed-back to 500m Fake AT/Proto base ruses disabled since theyre broken for 3 nations. All Building Trucks turn time from 1s to 3s to stop fighter bomb dodge exploit UnitChipsizemult to 1,30,20000 Autoretreat distance from 200m to 250m AutoretreatDistanceTriggerincombat from 500m to 520m MAPS: Center of Gravity FFA mid players moved to side cities. Treason all players moved back and rurther apart to make FFA playable UK: Churchill Tank to $75 research year 1945+ build time from 70sec to 60sec Outpost Bunker Vision Range from 1250m to 1100m Russia: Pe-8 from $35 to $30 Air: Air recon RetreatHP from 250 to200
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why do turtles spam heavy bunkers at late game for?
also great mod bro
ty, idk why the AI makes too many bunkers sometimes and other time makes barely any.
also since ive started using the mod my game has crashed a bit do you know why
no idea, ive never had crashes playing any of the uploaded versions
ok thanks do u think theres a possibility that ships could be brought into the game as they all ready have basic models also could you fix the torbuk '45 operation so u have accesses to the second base and to be able to build planes and aa
cant do either of those.
SuperCrumpets where to would i find the factorys for the units
what units?
i dont know what you mean.
the factorys which are needed to field units so like the Armour base and barracks
the same as normal...
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