
A remaster of Dawn of War Soulstorm aimed for a new exciting gameplay experience accompanied by reworked visuals, sounds, maps and more.

Redux Mod 0.93 BETA Patch
Guest - - 705,694 comments

Congrats! :3

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Eternity6 - - 14 comments

I can't get the patch to work , I've tried installing and reinstalling a dozen time and nothing seems to work.Please help.

I installed the patch on a clean install of Redux Mod 0.9 BETA , still nothing. I'll keep trying on my end.

The size of the patched redux file is : 1,66 GB (1 787 719 224 bytes)
Redux.module is : (338 bytes)

Edit: I got it to work , with a fresh install without any other mods. UA mainly.

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Alexhandr - - 24 comments

This does not work with UA. This is not compatible with any overhaul mod. This mod changes how combat damage is done and adds an armor system.

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H4wx - - 1 comments

I have UA and a lot of other mods installed, it works perfectly fine for me.

Not sure why it should matter that you have UA installed, they're all stored in separate folders.

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Alexhandr - - 24 comments

That is not what I said. You are free to have as many mods installed as you wish, but you cannot play them together.

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

I got a question
Can be that mod for ultimate apocalypse or for original game ?

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Eranthis Author
Eranthis - - 454 comments

No. Redux has its own mechanics that would conflict with other mods.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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