This mod from killerpet allows you to easily perform a "Raid Roll" on loot that has dropped.
Author: killerpet
NEW additions in V2.0
Now tracks rolls made for items
Saying: "[Itemlink] roll" or "[Itemlink] roll MS", etc will open a window that tracks the rollls of raid/party members and if you are in a raid it tells you what party# they are in (for easy loot distribution)
(See screenshots for examples)
NEW additions in V1.5
Added ability to announce itemlinks using one of these commands:
/rr [Itemlink]
/rr re [Itemlink]
This addon allows you to easily perform a "Raid Roll" on loot that has dropped.
To do a raid roll you must be in a raid and simply type /rr or /raidroll
If you have less than 20 people in the raid it will have 2 people per line. If you have more than 20, it has 3 per line.
You can now use /rr re (or /rr reroll) to reroll without listing all the people in the raid
It will also announce who the winner is in the form >> [Name] Wins! <<
/rr - Raid Rolls
/rr [Itemlink] - Raid Rolls (includes the itemlink when announcing winner)
/rr re - Rerolls
/rr re [Itemlink] - Rerolls (includes the itemlink when announcing winner)