The 1.04a cumulative patch for Rise of Prussia.
Game Engine [continues as version 121011]
• Setups
- 1762 Campaign: Disabled the Empress Elisabeth death sequence [Russia already allied with Prussia at start]
- All setups recompiled to fix the “all Wild” Develpment level bug [effective only in newly started games]
• Events
- Corrected several Area Alias errors in the Prussian AI events
• Database
- Corrected several duplicated Aliases [thank you LaFrite for the Python© Script Check software to find these]
Units attempting to load land units onto ships and sail away [either in port or loading onto adjacent ships at sea] must have
'evasive move' set on if enemy troops are present in any form. Failure to set 'evasive' in presence of the enemy will abort the
loading process, and ships will sail away without the units.