This mod adds a a set of configurable windows to show health/mana bars & buffs.
Please read the README in the zip file - much more detail & some tutorial frames!
Q: What is it?
OzRaid is a set of configurable windows to show health/mana bars & buffs.
You specify an input (player or mob health/mana), filter out what you dont want, specify what buffs to view, position & colour the elements, and hey presto!
At its simplest, you can view the current raid group health, and any buffs/debuffs you care about. At its most complex, you can use it to build 'reminder' windows for buffing, curing, show the currently targetted mobs (with debuffs applied), build an emergency monitor, and many more things on top.
Q: So.. isn't it like CT Raid Assist?
All it does is show health/mana bars. It doesnt provide any of the other cool things CT does (like boss warnings, and many more) This addon was written simply to provide a smaller & neater overview of the raid than the CTRaid (and now Blizzard) party frames. But it now does so much more.
It also works in parties & solo as well as raids ;)
Q: So how do I use it?
Basic controls:
You can drag the windows around, you can click the 'x' to hide them, or the little speech bubble icon to open the options. You can also click the minimap icon to open the options too (dark blue circle with a gold 'Oz' logo)
The options panel consists of several tabbed screens. The important window to notice is the selection box right at the top. This has the name of the current window you are editing in the options. Just select the desired window and edit away!
There is a README file contained in the archive - please refer to this for detailed instructions & examples.
Slash Commands
/ozraid <n>
/oz <n>
Open/close window 'n'
TO DO list:
Future plans include:
Player pets
Presets for each class/window type (button is greyed out at the moment as they dont work)