OBSOLETE See New Release 2k
Includes these Modding Utilities:
The LegacyMissionEditor by Bethsoft updated by Muldrf
Version: 1.04c
LMTools or the "Legacy Modding Tools" by Muldrf
Version: Updated for this Release and Milkshape exporter msMJTExporter.dll
Legacy Mod Install Packager by Muldrf
UUTools by Muldrf
Changes from Previous Releases:
ModInstaller to
1. Fixed Error message during installation of "readme" files.
1. Joint/Hardpoint Assist Tool has been updated to meet up with the v1.0.0.6 Independent release version.
1. Various updates to harddpoint tool.
1. Minor button placement alterations.
2. Xml Generate function for Labelmap Generation changed to do all lowercase map filenames to prevent issues with singleplayer menus.
3. /hardpoint command line variable added to take you strait to the Hardpoint/Joint Tool
4. /testing add to take you strait to the 2on2 Testing Interfac
Basic Features:
a) The LegacyMissionEditor is included for it's axillary files which the LMTools require for Mission Compiling. It's complete and all there, but I recommend using the LMTools for Mission Creation.
b) The LMTools are a tool set I developed over the years while working on the Ultimate Universe Mod. Initially they weren't much, but over time I have done quite a bit of additions that should make them useful for about anyone working on Legacy, from Odf work to Mission Creation to Ship testing and Balance work. The LMTools include:
1. Mission Building and Compiling. It's a more disconnected process for a better workflow in the "real world".
2. Map database and Xml Singleplayer Menu and Label Map creation. These features take more setup, because you must create a map database manually for them to work properly. UU2.0 comes with the complete map database setup for it.
3. Various ODF Data Lookup editing and and Mass Odf Update functions are built into the UUTools as well.
4. Chunk duplication tool. This tool can quickly and easily duplicate existing ship/station chunks to new ships, it also allows easy alteration of ship textures so they look more approprate to the ship that's going up.
5. Readme Creator/Editor. This tool lets you make readmes in either .rtf or .txt formats using existing files as templates or making a blank new file.
6. 2on2 Testing. This mode allows launching specially setup maps directly for easy ship and station testing. There are 6 default maps. Each of the maps has some special function.
a. flighttest.sol is as it says a Flight Test or maybe it should be "fight" test. It's the "regular" 2on2 Fight Testing mode. You pick up to 2 ships per side (or stations or other map objects).
b. phasetest.sol is a mode where there are only 2 ships one per side. The Enemy ship is sitting infront of you disabled. For Endurance Testing of ships specs and Weapon strength without the enemy taking off. How quick do you take out a Galaxy that isn't fighting back?
c. meshtest.sol is a 1on1 where BOTH ships get a small photon hit by way of scripting at the beginning. This is for testing the Damage Mesh of a ship/ships to verify if they are staying inside the main hull properly. The enemy is disabled in this mode just like in phasetest mode.
d. meshtesta.sol is the same as meshtest.sol except the enemy is NOT disabled.
e. nodetest.sol is a 1on1 where the Enemy ship's systems are all destroyed. This instantly plays any "System Destruction" effects as well as breaks of the associated "Breaknodes" such as Nacelles if the model is so equipped. This leaves the enemy ship's hull exposed similar to phasetest but with the lack of shields.
f. dnodetest.sol is almost the same as nodetest, the only difference is the addition of having the Damage Mesh active like meshtest. This is for making sure your breaknodes fall away and that the underlying damage mesh looks as expected.
c) The Mod Install Package creator for packing up Legacy Mods into easy on click Self Installers.
1. Allows easy packaging of Singleplayer Missions because they are generally difficult to install due to usually requiring manual editing of existing files to make them accessable.
2. Setup for Ships with Custom Sprites and/or Sound Effects as well as allowing the person installing the ship the ability to assign the ships to their desired race (good for Chungi's New Races Mod or TC mods with additional races).
3. With you can package more Basic mods. Such as Deathmatch Maps or UI or Menu mods, bascially anything can be packaged now, it doesn't have to be a Singeplayer Mission or Ship Mod.
4. With you can now install ships to multipule races rather than all to one race. You can also make a Map Editor Menu entry. There are various bug fixes. Also a more advanced Sprite entry but that's kind of touchy and "Very" special use, I only coded it in because I had to have it for the XI Pack Mod I created.
d) The UU Tools is a utility designed primarily for use with the Ultimate Universe mod. It has some features that will work with other versions of Legacy including windowed launch mode support. It requires Ultimate Universe 2.0 to enable the bulk of it's features though.
See the Individual Readmes for more Details on these individual tools:
\Readmes\Muldrfs Modified LegacyMissionEditor.txt
\Readmes\Muldrfs Legacy Mod Tools LMTools.txt
\Readmes\Muldrfs ModInstaller.txt
\Readmes\Muldrfs UUTools Readme.txt
Extract the .zip to a folder and copy the files into your Star Trek Legacy folder. Or Extract directly to your Star Trek Legacy root folder.
Create Shortcuts on your desktop for the LMTools.exe and any other of the included exe files you would like to use "modinstaller.exe", "uutools.exe" etc.
The optional plugin for the LMTools Joint/Hardpoint tree functions is located in the \MilkshapePlugin folder and is called msMJTExporter.dll it must be copied to your Milkshape 3d directory for use. After it's in the proper folder you will then see the Joint Tool Exporter listed on your Milkshape Export menu.
Optionally rename the LegacyMTB.bmp to Legacy.bmp it's just a Legacy Splash with Muldrf's Testbed on it if you want something a little different.
Permissions / Notices:
This tool set and these files are not supported by Maddoc or Bethesda Softworks and they are not responsible for any damages to your game directory. As with all modtools you are using them at your own risk. The end user of the package accepts responsibility for usage of the tools. See the Individual Readmes for more details.
By installing this package you (the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take
no responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.
Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Credits / Contact:
If problems are found you can contact me and I'll see what I can do to help.
markenobrookstone AT hotmail DOT com
I also follow the Filefront forums for Legacy.