Widescreen patch for Mortyr 2093 and Mortyr 2 Fix fraps and graphics glith at modern card all windows versions 1. Copy all files - D3Dlmm.dll, DDraw.dll, dgVoodooSetup to folder Mortyr where are mortyr.exe 2. Open dgVoodooSetup and apply configuration at screen pic. 3. Go to game and this is all. Have fun!
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Niestety u mnie gra się wysypuje po jakichś 5 minutach grania, nie mam pojęcia co robię nie tak
It is still to fast. One hint, if you use a 2.03 version of DXWnd in combination with dgVoodoo2 and in window mode it is smooth. But if you try fullscreen it is again to fast. Like without wrappers!
try limiting the game's fps to 30
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