All levels from Mission III in this download must be added to Mission II mod download. First download Mission II and add the levels into the mods level folder.
Installation guide:
Download Crybusters Mission II (see download links below)
Go to your Crysis Wars mod root folder: -> Electronic Arts/Crytek/Crysis Wars/Mods. (if not existing please create the mods folder inside your Crysis Wars root folder)
Eventually backup an existing Crybusters folder with the same name.
Extract the Crybusters folder from the downloaded archive if necessary by using an extracter such as 7-zip.
Copy the downloaded Crybusters folder into the mods folder.
Download the Mission III levels from the download below (
Extract the Crybusters-MissionIII_Levels_V0.0.1 levels to the Crybusters mod level folder (where the others are) -> Electronic Arts/Crytek/Crysis Wars/Mods/Crybusters/Game/Levels/
Start Crysis Wars in editor with the launcher and load the level.
NOTE:You can use this mod levels only with Crysis Wars Version 1.5 and above and a working Crybusters Mission II mod!