
NimoStar's MECHCOMMANDER: LOSTECH This was made to be put into RiZzen's Darkest Hours 4.2 standalone version. Download that first if you haven't. Original game unnecesary (it's free and legal). Seems unlikely this will work on the default MechCommander Gold version due to dependencies, but its untested. How to install: move to your main Mechcommander Darkest Hours folder and 'Extract here' (or otherwise extract/copy contents to that folder) Overwrite everything and anything (especially DATA folder and subfolders) Many changes are undocumented. The mod is still in an incomplete state but does not introduce any new bugs that I could find except for Clan Extended Sensor not appearing on buy list (a small price for tens of new weapons on vehicles and 'mechs) Report anything here, or just your opinion... Proposals for new weapons are taken, but list space is limited so make them good ;) Good hunting.

MechCommander Lostech Mod Alpha 01
MCRizZen - - 71 comments

May you add your download description with a detailed changelog and WHAT exactly you have changed (new item lists - new unit lists - differences in comparison?).

Would like to assist you forming this into a "thing" for MechCommanders used as optional update or more later.

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MCRizZen - - 71 comments


This was made to be put into RiZzen's Darkest Hours 4.2 standalone version. Download that first if you haven't. Original game unnecesary (it's free and legal).
Seems unlikely this will work on the default MechCommander Gold version due to dependencies, but its untested.

How to install:
move to your main Mechcommander Darkest Hours folder and 'Extract here' (or otherwise extract/copy contents to that folder)
Overwrite everything and anything (especially DATA folder and subfolders)

+ ETC. change name
* The Lostech Vault
* L&L (Lostech & Lurm)
* Lurming & Fun kit


Notes on weapon including "unknown" values discovered:
Entry Description
----------- ---------------------
ID Component ID
Full Name Name of component
Name Abrv Abreviated name of component
Type "EnergyWeapon", "MissileWeapon", "BallisticsWeapon", "Ammo", "ECM" and others
Load Crits Number of criticals used during loadout.
? UNKNOWN. Always appears to be set to 1
Tons Weight of the component
RP cost Purchase cost of the weapon, in RP
*Equip locations. These are "Yes"/"No" flags indicating if the component can be fitted here
Head Head location
CT Center Torso
LT Left Torso
RT Right Torso
LA Left Arm
RA Right Arm
LL Left Leg
RL Right Leg
Fit Vehcle "Yes"/"No" can it fit on a vehicle?
Fit Both "Yes"/"No" can it fit on both clan and IS mechs?
Tech Side "IS"/"Clan" which side this tech is a component for (can also be "Both" if both sides make it)
Fit IS "Yes"/"No" can it fit on an IS mech?
? Art Unknown. Artillery? Seems to always be 0 ?
Disable UNSURE. Can be disabled? Seems to always be set to 1
BR Battle Rating. Not sure how this is calculated, larger numbers mean higher rating.May be used by AI when selecting targets.
Dmg Damage amount this weapon does (if weapon) (can be set to "na")
//This also controls sensor range, basic sensor is 1.00 max sensor 1.5 (clan ext 1.4) ; beagle probe detection is 0.5 and ECM anti-detect is 0.7, while both are 0.6 for clan
Recycle Recycle time, in seconds, for this weapon (can be set to "na")
heat UNUSED Heat generated by this component, per use. Not sure this is used anymore.
*Weapon Ranges (ranges are in meters)
min Minimum range this weapon can be used at.
shrt Distance considered to be short range (short will be minimum to this value)
med Distance considered to be medium range (medium range will be short range to this value)
lng Distance considered to be long range (max range) (long range will be medium range to this value)
? weapon Unknown. This value is used for multiple weapons, but have not figured out what it is for or what it represents.
effect VISUAL EFFECT ON HIT (also probably on fire)
Ammo ID Component ID, from COMPBAS.CSV (this same table), that has the definition of the ammo used by this weapon (use 0 for non-ammo type components)
Flag Not too sure. Though 1 = Streak, 2 = Inferno, 4 = LBX, 8 = Artillery

in the download file

- Clan Sensor Extended doesn't appear in the list (a black space instead)
-- The cause of this is unknown but some clan mechs will come with it to compensate

more info in the download
-- IS MRM-10 (Designed to be able to replace an SRM-4)
-- IS MRM-20
-- IS MRM-30
-- IS MRM-40

-- IS LRM-10
-- IS LRM-15
-- IS LRM-20

-- Clan LRM-10
-- Clan LRM-15
-- Clan LRM-20
-- Clan Streak Heavy Thunderbolt

in the file

in the file

Can you add a file list or something - a breakdown of what changes you have done in what file? Would be awesome!

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Nimostar Author
Nimostar - - 493 comments

a better oirganization of changelongs is coming soon, howeverm there is not much space in compbas any more to add more weapons. Check your private messages as I want to learn to edit mission files...

Reply Good karma+1 vote
krisavi - - 11 comments

Shouldn't this file belong to it's own mod and not "Insurrection Alert" Red Alert 2 mod?
Seems from article and this file like "Insurrection Alert" is just dumping grounds of your projects.

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