Read the download description for a full list of changes.
// Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC)
// [Feel the Payne] Gameplay Modification - Beta V1.5 Changelog
// created by Robert J. F. Calais
- Three different versions, each available in english and german languages | These will work with any legally acquired copy of the game
- Damage, rate of fire, clip size and spread of all weapons are more realistic
- Guns penetrate just about anything that's not made of any kind of stone or marked as bulletproof
- Carry up to 9999 ammo per gun and up to 99 throwables per type (depends on version)
- Amount of dropped Grenades and Molotovs increased by 200%
- Carry up to 99 Painkillers (depends on version)
- Painkillers heal 25% health points
- Painkiller flash effect color changed from white to green
- If you die at least 3 times within 5 minutes, you'll get a bonus of 50 health points
- Maximum saves on easy mode 10, on hard mode and timed mode 5, on very hard mode 3
- Bullet time acts more like a rage/adrenaline mode and has red motion blur effects
- Player speed barely changes in bullet time
- Weapons fire with adapted (reduced) speed in bullet time
- Bullet time efficiency decreases after 15 seconds with a rate of 1,667% per second, each kill increases efficiency by 20%
- Killing a normal enemy refills 10% bullet time, killing a boss enemy refills 20% bullet time
- Beretta uses the Desert Eagle's two-handed shoot animations
- Desert Eagle ignores body armor
- Sawed-Off Shotgun uses the MP5's two-handed shoot- and walk animations
- New weapon: Dual Sawed-Off Shotgun
- Dual Sawed-Off Shotgun uses the Beretta's shoot animations and the Sawed-Off Shotgun's reload animations
- New weapon: Remington 1100
- Remington 1100 uses the Kalashnikov's shoot animations and the Pump-Action Shotgun's reload animations
- Striker reloads one by one, uses the Pump-Action Shotgun reload sounds and animation and shares the same ammo as the Pump-Action Shotgun
- Striker ammo fills the SHOTGUNSHARED_POCKETSIZE ammo pool
- Shotguns fire off 12 pellets per shot instead of 8
- Ingram uses the Desert Eagle's two-handed shoot animations
- MP5 shares the same ammo as the Beretta
- MP5 ammo fills the BERETTASHARED_POCKETSIZE ammo pool
- New weapon: Dual MP5
- Dual MP5 uses the Ingram's shoot animation and the Beretta's reload animations
- New weapon: Grenade Launcher
- Grenade launcher uses the Kalashnikov's shoot animation and the Sawed-Off Shotgun's reload animations
- Enemies armed with the MP5, the Kalashnikov, the M4 Carbine, the Dragunov or the Sniper Rifle drop an armed grenade when they die
- Enemies no longer drop the Sniper Rifle; instead, they will drop ammo for it (does not count for the sniper in P1C4)
- Enemies armed with sniper rifles will drop a grenade launcher when they die
- Enemies armed with two one-handed guns will no longer drop their guns, but ammo for the weapon they were using instead
- Enemies will fire off their guns when they die, with a good chance of hitting the player
- Enemies drop their primary weapon and their pistol on death, if they carry any
- By pressing the #USE# key when holding a non-scoped weapon, the player switches to FPS mode, but has no crosshair
- All scoped weapons have adjustable zoom like the Sniper Rifle and the Dragunov has a longer range
- New scope overlays and crosshairs
- New weapon sounds
- New Cleaner_RANDOMDEATH sounds
- New Physics sounds
- New weapon textures, resembling their real-life counterparts in most cases
- Edited character textures for Max Payne, Mona Sax, Jim Bravura, Valerie Winterson, Annie Finn, Vladimir Lem, Vincent Gognitti
- Max wears a longer trenchcoat and sunglasses
- Weapon priority includes the sniper rifles
- Weapon priority includes throwables, making the Grenade the best secondary weapon
- Weapon sound pitch randomizes between 90-110%
- New HUD weapon names (identified by the in-game weapon models)
- New tooltips
- Removed "Paused" message
- New main menu background wallpaper
- New main menu music theme
- HUDPRINT_TIPs use the intended Print_Tip.wav sound file instead of the earlier empty.wav file (this can be seen as a bug fix)
- New, simple cheat codes
- New quit joke "Mona was still the answer."
- Max spawns with Beretta +3 mags, Painkillers x1, Pump-Action Shotgun +3 mags (swapping to any of his models/starting a new game, but the latter doesn't work before Part 1, Chapter 2)
- Mona spawns with Desert Eagle +3 mags, Painkillers x1, Dragunov +3 mags (swapping to any of her (dressed) models/starting a new game)
- Mona wears a jacket in Part 2, Chapter 4/5/6
- Mike spawns with Desert Eagle, Kalashnikov (plus three magazines in total for each) and Grenades x2.
- Vinnie's "Track Suit" model spawns with Desert Eagle, Ingram and infinite ammo for each
- Vinnie's "Captain Baseball Bat Boy" model has x2 health
- Vlad's "Final Battle" model has x5 health
- Kaufman's model has x3 health and spawns with Ingrams and infinite ammo for these
- Play as Mona on the Dead Man Walking maps "Scaffoldings" and "Manor Garden" with a weapon set unique to her
- Play as Vinnie on the Dead Man Walking map "Used Car Lot" with a weapon set unique to him and infinite ammo for his signature weapons (Desert Eagle, Ingram)
- Start with a new weapon set (containing the (Dual-/)Sawed-Off Shotgun) on all Dead Man Walking maps
- Dead Man Walking mode now contains two official bonus maps with Mona being playable in one of them
- Corrected the RoF values of all full-automatic weapons (hopefully for the last time now)
- New weapons-, physics- and Cleaner_RANDOMDEATH sounds (all credit goes to New World Interactive)
- New Beretta textures
- New textures for Max Payne, Mona Sax, Jim Bravura, Valerie Winterson, Annie Finn, Vladimir Lem and Vincent Gognitti (including specular maps)
- Corrected some subtitles for the german versions
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Can I use Cheats With This Mod
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cant run the patch.bat
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