This addon by Erytheia tracks rolls which are made with '/random' and sorts them, allowing raid leaders to announce roll winners quickly and easily.
Author: Erytheia
LootHog tracks rolls which are made with '/random' and sorts them, allowing raid
leaders to announce roll winners quickly and easily.
* Finalize rolling after timeout expires
* Count rolls from group members only
* Automatically show window when someone rolls
* Prevent /random rolls from appearing in the chatlog
* Close LootHog window after announcing a winner
* Acknowledge rolls via /whisper to roller
* Reject rolls with bounds other than (1-100)
* Reject multiple rolls
* Deactivate LootHog if someone else announces
* Submit complete list of rolls to chat when announcing
* Announce the group of the winner (Raid)
* Countdown
* MyAddon - Support
/lh or /loothog
open the LootHog window
/lh statistics
Display a small statistics about all counted rolls
/lh statisticReset
Reset the statistics
/lh options
/lh config
Open the options screen
Special Thanks to:
Chompers - for the original addon
Suan(Kaz'goroth) - for addition code and german translation
m0rgoth - for french translation
I'm not the original creator of the addon, i only updated some small tings (2.7.1 and up)
Full Credits goes to Chompers!
Patch notes for Loot Hog (WOLK)
* Only in raid the group number is announced - not only on loot master
* Small Size-Bug corrected - Main Window should now a little bit smaller
* Should now work with a spanish client (not fulled tested! and still not complete translated)
* Move Version to 3.1 - because a old 3.0.0 version exist
* Change title of main window to "LootHog Rolls"
* Show and Option-Button in Interface/Addons
* MyAddons - Support moved into the toc file
* Add "/lh config"
* Little Layout-Change in config window.
* Timeout now announced in chat, when "Finalize rolling after timeout expires" is activ
* Now the countdown start value can be set
* "Group 1"/"Group not found"-Translation is now possible
* Add support for localization (koKR, zhCN, zhTW, ruRU, esES, esMX)
(at the moment nothing is translated! when you have translated one file, please
send it to me (info (ad)
2.7 (Susan)
* Update Toc