This mod from seppyk is a configurable World of Warcraft add-on that tracks raid attendance, loot, and boss kills.
Author: seppyk
HeadCount is a configurable World of Warcraft add-on that tracks raid attendance, loot, and boss kills.
HeadCount answers the following questions:
* How long is a player active in a raid?
* How long is a player on standby for a raid?
* How long is a player offline during a given raid?
* What loot dropped during a raid and who received it?
* What boss kills occurred during a given raid and who was there for the kill?
More information can be found on the HeadCount wiki:
Main features
* Raids
* Raid creation: Automatically creates a new raid as you join or start a raid.
* Raid finalization: Automatically ends an existing raid as you leave a raid.
* Raid management: The user can end raids, remove raids, or remove all raids on demand.
* Raid zone tracking: Zone name are automatically added to raids as you zone into a raid instance for the first time.
Player attendance
* Player tracking: Players are tracked based on their timed participation in the raid. Players can be tracked based on configurable raid groups for raid list activity (active raiding players) and wait list players (queue/standby players).
* Player removal: The user can remove tracked information for specific players on demand.
* Player history: View specific player history for a raid to see how and when a player moved from activity to standby to offline and back during a raid.
* No list tracking: Players can be tracked as non-raid list and non-standby players as needed. Players that go offline are automatically taken out of the raid and wait list groups for tracking purposes.
* Integrated wait list: Receive whispers from members outside of the raid group in order to track them.
Boss kills
* Boss kill tracking: Tracks the world bosses killed during the course of a raid and the raid list members present for the kill.
* Boss kill removal: The user can remove tracked boss kills on demand.
* Loot tracking: Tracks loot received during a raid based on configurable item level quality (default: Epic item level or higher)
* Loot removal: The user can remove specific pieces of loot on demand.
* Loot exclusion: The user can manage loot exclusion which will prevent certain pieces of loot from being tracked during a raid. (e.g. - Emblem of Valor)
* Export: Users can export current raid attendance and received loot information to one of a number of formats (CSV, XML, Text, EQdkp XML string, DKPBoard, Text, phpBB forum post, phpBB with ItemStats forum post).
* Boss kill broadcast: The user can optionally broadcast when the raid kills a boss to a configurable chat channel.
* Loot broadcast: The user can optionally broadcast when a player receives a valid piece of loot to a configurable chat channel.
* Fault tolerance: If the mod owner quits WoW, restarts WoW, or reloads their UI during a raid and returns to the game, HeadCount will attempt to gracefully recover from the outage to continue tracking the active raid.
* Attendance delay: Configure how often HeadCount should manage attendance updates to increase or decrease performance and/or accuracy.
Patch notes for HeadCount
Version 1.5.0
* Added integrated wait list functionality.
* Added wait list user interface display.
* Added raid announcement user interface display.
* Added manual loot addition.
* Added loot cost to member information display.
* Added German localization.
* Fixed The Four Horsemen boss kill tracking issue.
* Fixed issue where user interface was not updating automatically on manual loot addition.
Version 1.4.4
* Added loot information to CSV export format.
* Fixed loot name reference in CSV export format.
Version 1.4.3
* Added loot listing to member information section.
* Added plain text export format string.
* Converted all locale strings to have literal values.
* Fixed stack overflow issue relating to automatic group selection.
* Fixed zone name for Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Spanish).
* Fixed zone name for Tempest Keep (Spanish).
* Fixed false key issue in resource bundles.
Version 1.4.0
* Added Spanish localization.
* Fixed Death Knight label in loot management popup frame.
* Fixed localized class names mistakenly being used for internal comparison.
* Removed duplicate Merithra of the Dream resource bundle key.
Version 1.3.9
* Added automatic group selection.
Version 1.3.8
* Added note field under loot management.
Version 1.3.7
* Added pruning feature to automatically delete old raids.
* Refactored localized resource bundle tables into constants.
* Fixed mismatched tags for phpBB export strings.
Version 1.3.6
* Added cost label to phpBB export strings.
* Added difficulty label option for EQdkp export strings.
* Fixed defect in XML export where equals sign was missing from version attribute.
* Fixed missing battleground tracking configuration option.
* Fixed missing attendance delay configuration option.
* Fixed defect where 12-hour time formats were causing a nil error.
Version 1.3.4
* Added DKPBoard export format.
Version 1.3.3
* Added difficulty tracking for raids (normal vs. heroic).
Version 1.3.2
* Refactored locale-based metadata key-value pairs to actual constants.
* Refactored attendance option menu tree to raid management.
* Fixed EQdkp export class name issue for Death Knights.
* Fixed issue where confirm dialog does not close when boss is removed.
* Fixed old website reference documentation.
* Fixed reporting channel configuration option not being listed in changelog.
* Fixed Vault of Archevon raid not being listed in changelog.
* Fixed default level, which is not set to level 80.
* Fixed defect where times were displaying as 00:00:00.
Version 1.3.0
* Added Death Knight class.
* Added initial WotLK raids (Vault of Archevon, The Obsidian Sanctum, Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity).
* Added date-formatting configuration for different locales.
* Added disenchanted, bank, and offspec shortcut buttons to loot management popup window.
* Added Abyss Crystal, Emblem of Heroism, Emblem of Valor to the default exclusion list.
* Added Strand of the Ancients to the battleground list.
* Added Dalaran Arena and The Ring of Valor to the arena list.
* Added channel configuration option for reporting messages.
* Fixed nil zone reference under XML export.
* Fixed ToString return value for BossEvent.
* Fixed user interface scrolling error.
Version 1.1.6
* Added proper information messaging to addition or removal from the exclusion list.
* Removed improper exclusion value setting for addition and removal commands.
* Revised horizontal placement for the first sorting column in user interface sections.
* Added broadcast channel selection for real-time messaging.
* Refactored user interface tooltip leave functions.
Version 1.1.5
* Fixed a defect where a nil zone reference occurs in XML export.
Version 1.1.4
* Added XML export (credit: cactusjackatu).
Version 1.1.3 (77806 | seppyk | 2008-07-04)
* Added configurable loot management popup window.
* Fixed defect relating to a nil reference when a player returns to a no list status.
Version 1.1.2 (77567 | seppyk | 2008-06-28)
* Added CSV export (credit: Piedtyper).
* Revised remove loot button tooltip.
Version 1.1.1 (77354 | seppyk | 2008-06-24)
* Added configurable attendance delay so users can get increased performance at the cost of attendance accuracy.
* Initial run at cleaning up namespace issues.
Version 1.1.0 (77247 | seppyk | 2008-06-22)
* Added loot management feature to change looter.
* Added loot management feature to change loot source.
Version 1.0.9 (76636 | seppyk | 2008-06-13)
* Fixed defect where boss kill remove button tooltip was mislabeled.
* Fixed defect where guild chat message was defaulting to Common causing problems for Horde players.
Version 1.0.8 (76515 | seppyk | 2008-06-11)
* Added menu item to help point users to loot exclusion management.
* Revised phpBB export to list raid times on separate lines from player.
* Added phpBB with ItemStats export.
* Added boss kill broadcasting to guild chat feature.
* Added loot broadcasting to guild chat feature.
Version 1.0.7 (75636 | seppyk | 2008-05-31)
* Revised exclusion list with defaults (Badge of Justice, Kael weapons, Nexus Crystal, Void Crystal). Users will have to readd/remove to rebuild their exclusion list.
* Fixed defect where aliased loot source was not being tracked correctly (Kalecgos / Sathrovarr the Corruptor, etc.).
Version 1.0.6 (74542 | seppyk | 2008-05-20)
* Added loot source tracking for EQdkp export.
* Removed size tag references from phpBB export.
* Fixed defect relating to loot version mismatch.
Version 1.0.5 (74461 | seppyk | 2008-05-19)
* Added loot source tracking.
* Added player times to phpBB export string.
* Fixed defect for phpBB export zone nil reference.
Version 1.0.4 (74167 | seppyk | 2008-05-17)
* Initial code cleanup/refactoring.
* Fixed defect where UI frame was sometimes not refreshing after a loot query.
* Added toggle for battleground tracking.
* Added phpBB export (Credit: impish | nogudnik).
Version 1.0.3 (r73143 | seppyk | 2008-05-08)
* Added loot management (ability to set DKP cost per loot).
* Revised boss kill tracking for better accuracy.
* Made item icons slightly smaller in the raid loot UI frame.
* Loot icons or loot links can now be shift-clicked to link items in text chat.
* Added item level text to loot tooltip.
* Fixed a defect where an extra parameter was being passed to the raid tracker loot update.
* Fixed loot frame UI button hit coordinates.
Version 1.0.2 (r72145 | seppyk | 2008-04-29)
* Added boss kill tracking.
* Added enhancement to automatically highlight the entire export edit box so users would not have to manually select the entire entry.
* Updated license to Creative Commons license.
* Added Dewdrop-2.0 library as dependency.
* Revised to close on escape key.
* Fixed defect where the most recent raid could not be exported, even if it was not active.
* Fixed defect where unavailable items were causing errors on icon mouseover and raid exporting.
* Fixed various UI position defects.
* Updated TOC for OptionalDeps and X-Embeds.
Version 1.0.1 (r70404 | seppyk | 2008-04-19)
* Initial version.
* Added time-based raid attendance tracking and management.
* Added raid loot tracking and management.
* Added loot exclusion management.
* Added raid export for CTRT plugin for EQdkp.
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