The new version of Hannibal ad portas, Hannibal ad portas Gold v.1
The new version of Hannibal ad portas, 100% in english, with provincial campaigns, historical units and more...
In this version you must choice between the 3 different provincial campaings (Across the Alps, The arrival, The ambush) to play, imperial campaign is a placeholder by now.
Download the mod
Open 'Hannibal ad portas RAR version.rar' with Winrar
Extract 'alexander" folder into 'Rome - Total War' and overwrite
Create a new shortcut of RTW-ALX.exe and add at the end of the target: -mod:alexander\HAP -show_err -nm -movie_cam
Click OK and play!
To play with Steam you have to extract 'HAP' folder from the archive into 'rome total war alexander'. Then Launch Steam, go on Alexander in you Librairy, right-click on it, then click on 'Set Launch Options' and type " -mod:HAP -show_err -nm -movie_cam". Then play Alexander as usual.
What are the differences between the gold version and the 2.4?
There are a lot of differences:
-All the units are new (323 + officers, standard bearers, generals, historic characters, horses, elephants)and now have a more historical look.
-A complete new 2D art to menus, faction's interfaces, loading screen...
-The factions are different, some of them were delete (boii, allobroges) and some others are new (cenomanic, oscan, corsico-sardinian).
-Faction's symbols were changed.
-Trait's system was remake, now is more complex and extended.
-Ancillaires were changed to personal items, and are related with the trait's system.
-Campaing map's textures were changed.
-Provincial campaigns added, and this is the most important change. Now you can play the Italy's invasion step by now there are the first campaings (Alps' crossing, Ticinus and Trebia's battle) but there are more to come out (Cannae, Trasimenus' lake, Tarentum and Croton, Capua's take, Zama...).
-Imperial campaign (main campaign) is non playable by now, there is a placeholder until i finish to made all the changes to do it playable (is a lot of work).
-Building's tree have a more complex and extended system.
And many more minor changes...
I have version 2.4, I will need to uninstall it and leave this new one, or it works as a "patch", you don't need to delete the other one?
You need to delete the old version if you want to try this new one.
Anyway, if you are playing the old version, you can wait a few time to play this new one, because there are some patches to update this version in a short time...
work in rome steam?
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