Created by Gain Software. This program allows you to edit *.GXT files. Which contain all in-game text.
GXTed Version 1.2
by Gain Software
GXTed is the first GTA2 utility from Gain Software, and is used to edit the .GXT files containing all of the messages in GTA2.
To use, just extract and the setup program and install it somewhere.
Then, run it, open a gxt file in the gta2\data directory, make your changes, save, and run GTA2 to see your new messages.
The messages conatined in the .GXT files don't just contain the text for the mission messages while playing the game, all text you ever see while playing GTA2 can be changed with this util. Everything from the area names, the car names, to the end game credits.
When running, just select a line in the right-hand list, edit it the the box at the bottom, and hit enter to make the change.
The list on the left is the key for each message, and can't be changed at the moment.
Something new with the GTA2 messages is the highlighting. You may notice that at the start of each line there is a single letter followed by an "!" and often a "#". These identify the gang and that the line will be highlighted somewhere, with which colour and which words. For example, the first message you receive in the game is:
1600 n!#Hey there, stranger! Welcome to the #Downtown District#. Stick around if you wanna learn what's going down...#
Here, the "n!" shows it from a neutral gang, and will show their Boss picture with the message. Everything in between the "#"'s are highlighted, except "Downtown District" which is actually shown as the original yellow colour.
Full List of Gangs:
n! - Neutral
y! - Yakuza
l! - Loonie
r! - Redneck
s! - Scientist
m! - Russian
k! - Krishna
So if you want to change the face shown with a yakuza message to the loonie face, just change y! for l!.
Remember: There must Always be an even number of #'s in every highlighted message.
If, for some reason, you don't want to actually edit the text in GXTed, you can now save a .gxt file as a normal text file. Just change the file type when using Save As. Please remember to keep a single space between each key and the message though when editing the text version.
Fixed bug where z! etc wherent being saved properly :)
Text loading + Saving
Initial Release
If you encounter any problems, or have a suggestion or criticsm of this, please email
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You use this and every Gain Software product at your own risk.
Gain Software and anyone associated with it can not be held
responsible for any damage caused to your system, or files contained
on it, by this or any program.
This file and those included in the zip, and the zip itself, may not
be distributed with out prior consent from the author.