Imagine moving around a standard platforming game with the look and movement mechanic of Asteroids. That's Gravity Beats, a title that challenges you to pilot a tiny ship around a complicated environment. The controls are simple, just vector and thrust, but thanks to the variable level design you'll constantly be discovering new things.The thumping soundtrack and day-glo graphics are also appealing. In-app purchases for power-ups remove advertising.
©Soomla - "Gravity Beats features a space ship, some nice physics, cool graphics and mind-boggling puzzles to keep you interested for hours at a time."
©AndroidPolice - "Imagine moving around a standard platforming game with the look and movement mechanic of Asteroids. That's Gravity Beats, a title that challenges you to pilot a tiny ship around a complicated environment. The controls are simple, just vector and thrust, but thanks to the variable level design you'll constantly be discovering new things."
©TechExpandable - "One of the best smartphone games which is free to play on your android, the best thing of the game is concept which is old and the style which is new and cool"
©AndroidGeeks - "This game offers you the possibility to pilot a ship around complex levels filled with obstacles like cannons, propellers, rotators and others."