Intention for this Mod was to make it become the best Mix of Realism / Balance that is possible
this is the Thread to the newest German Soldiers Mod avaiable , currently its the GSM Fields of Honor 6.
Installation for full versions :
unload all older versions and then delete them , afterwards just run the installer the instructions for install.
Installation for patches versions :
just copy the Files from the Archive into your Mod Folder, start the Game unload the mod, restart your game and load the Mod again.
important changes :
- new Nations : France , Romania , Italy
- Yearsettings (40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 39-45) with different options to disable certain groups of Vehicles
- heavy Guns/Howitzers are towed from the point of purchase
- 170m Ingame Range for all Guns above 20mm
- 200m Ingame Range for light Howitzers (122mm / 105mm / 150mm Sig33)
- 225m Ingame Range for Heavy Howitzers (150mm TType99)
- 250m Ingame Range for all other Heavy Howitzers
- 100m Ingame Range for all Rifles & MGs
- 50m-80m Ingame Range for Sub-Machine Guns & Assault Guns (depending on Caliber & Muzzlespeed)
- 120m Ingame Range for all Sniper-Rifles
- fixed Firerates for all avaiable Infantry Weapons to realistic Values
- Increased Artillery & Rocket Artillery spread
- changed all Gun Penetration Data for the most used Projectile in every Yearstage
(f.e: 2pdr. has different Penetration Values from 40-41 to 42-43)
- changed avaiability of Vehicles / infantry Weapons for every Yearsetting
- changed Avaiability of specialised Ammunition for every Yearstage (APCR/APDS/HEAT)
- new Weapon sounds
- added new Voices for Infantry
- new Accuracy-System for Infantry Weapons
- Rare Vehicles restricted in Ammount now
- new Vision Management (elite Troops can look farer)
- Scout removed
- removed any Restriction in Buymenu for the Testmode
- added Smoke Dischargers for some Tanks that have them on the ingame model
- added Smoke Shell for Howitzers
- a few more dead Entities will be shown on the map to make it more realistic
- Dead Tanks have more realistic endurance of Smoking
- Penetration Power Diplay Field can be turned off if the host wants that (default is off)
- added several new Units
- reworked damage System for Damages on all amored vehicles
Timesetting overview :
1940 : France , Germany , United Kingdom
1941 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia
1942 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA
1943 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania
1944 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania
1945 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania
1939-45 : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan
light vehicles : France , Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan , Italy
medium vehicles : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan
tesmode : France , Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan , Italy
infantry only : France , Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan , Italy
tanks only : Germany , United Kingdom , Russia , USA , Romania , Japan