
Full release 1.4 of Galactic Armory for Star Ruler - New features: New ship hulls and subsystems including area of effect weapons, specialized bomber weapons, new "Shield Armor" combining shields and armor using new gameplay mechanics, further re-balancing, repair bays do not repair while in combat, new realistic galaxy generation (optional), new graphics and sound effects and many, many more!

Galactic Armory 1.4 for Star Ruler
koldsoul - - 168 comments

I noticed that there is a rapid updates for Star ruler and Galactic Armory,which indicates that the game is still in development.I still don't understand the game!;what is the effect of this & that in the long game...when should i start doing sth and focusing on that.......).sometimes i start the game with no default ships blueprints?!.I like SR & I appreciate your work on Galactic Armory but I think I will wait until the game is V5.1 or sth.

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XTRMNTR2K - - 64 comments

Thanks for your opinion :)

The reason SR is still being actively developed is because it had to be released in an unfinished (and unstable) state. There was basically no other choice left for the developers (except for abandoning the game altogether). Now that the game is stable at least, Blind Mind Studios focus on expanding and polishing the existing content. I can perfectly understand your reasoning, but there are certain advantages to getting into the game right now; for example, you can actively influence the development by making constructive suggestions based on your observation. It is also a lot easier to learn the basics of Star Ruler right now instead of waiting longer. While I agree that it can be confusing whenever major features are changed, please keep in mind that it is still a lot easier to adapt to the changes than having to learn everything at once.

As for Galactic Armory, I completely understand that the numerous changes compared to vanilla SR can be confusing, especially for new players. We strive to make this mod as user-friendly as possible, and helping new players to understand the basics is very important to us. If there are things you don't understand, please feel free to ask! It helps us to help you. :)

Speaking of just that, I put an updated manual for the current release together. I'll do a newspost and upload it to ModDB as well when I have the time. For the time being, you can get it from mediafire:

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Sid0035 - - 87 comments

yey my favort mod, is back with a new version im gonna DL this right now :D

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