Frontiers is a conversion of HL2DM that offers the immersive experience of a migrant's journey into Europe from Africa and the Middle East.
FRONTIERS is a conversion of HL2DM that offers the immersive experience of a migrant's journey into Europe from Africa.
In carefully remodeled conflict zones and migration hotspots (parts of our team went to the actual locations for research) , the players compete in the dangerous struggle of refugees and borderguards. It is a multiplayer game for up to 16 players, where one party, that is mainly unarmed, is trying to either cross a specific area (border) or escape a raid situation. The other party, mostly security and military forces, can use all necessary force to prevent this. Weapons vary depend on the local conflict situation with the guard side always changing identity. After a specific amount of succesfull crossing, the refugees are advancing a step towards Europe. Guards get promoted for the succesfull arrest of refugees, kills are never being rewarded. In some levels, they might lead to a loss of points.