you are right this team sucks at all burry me but if snail want to create game he would be faster than this poor noob slow team really :) they sucks player must wait over year for new version i hate so slowly developers ........ :P
Well, I'm pretty sure snails doesn't have finals, a bit of social life (not much, I admit) and several other projects to work on.
Also... Well, why should I be polite? **** you.
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Hi there, I'm still able and willing to help with the script for any upcoming campaigns. Best of luck to you with this mod!
I gave up on this long ago, sorry but It has taken you too long to put out the next version.
lol impatient much? , dont dl it then. im sure they give a flying ****
you are right this team sucks at all burry me but if snail want to create game he would be faster than this poor noob slow team really :) they sucks player must wait over year for new version i hate so slowly developers ........ :P
Well, I'm pretty sure snails doesn't have finals, a bit of social life (not much, I admit) and several other projects to work on.
Also... Well, why should I be polite? **** you.
kiddy stay cool
give them a break man they are working on like four projects at ones your luky they even done the campaign.
I may be the only one, but i cannot find the files i am supposed to overwrite
they are in nexus' main folder. The game can't run withouth them, so they must be there somewhere.
I noticed that even with points to improve your ship there are no items to choose (weapons) and you don't seem to have a shield generator option!
My game just crashes
tell us what you did and when it crashes
are more versions comming out
Yay :3
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