A texture for the Germans by Frederik Nielsen.
Author: Frederik Nielsen
Readme File:
European Heer Infantry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ABSTRACT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
This skin is inspired by a real uniform
called Wehrmacht Heer.
To install the skin, open up the rar file ( that you have
already managed if you are reading this ) put the files
into steamsteamappsYOURNAMEday of defeat sourcedodmaterialsmodelsplayergerman
That's it! Go play!
To UN-install the skin, remove the
files from steamsteamappsYOURNAMEday of defeat sourcedodmaterialsmodelsplayergerman
That's it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAP DATA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Skin name : European Heer Infantry
Game support : Day of Defeat Source
Version : 1.0
Skin designer : Frederik Nielsen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KNOWN ERRORS IN VERSION 1.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CONTACT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Mail: lillemann1993@hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COPYRIGHT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
You MAY NOT use this skin as a base to make your skin
without explicit permission of the author.
Also, this skin MAY NOT be used for any kind of commercial
product of any kind without written authorization from the
You MAY distribute this skin as long as you include this
file, intact, in the original archive.
You MAY download this skin and use it as your server skin
as long as you send the author an e-mail about it.
You may use any resources from this skin (scripts, shaders
textures) as long as you give the author due credit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOOD-BYE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Have fun, play European Heer Infantry.
/Frederik Nielsen