
This is Europa Barbarorum release 2.1. Europa Barbarorum is a total conversion mod for Medieval Total War 2.

Europa Barbarorum 2.1 (Old Release)
iljavermunt1998 - - 3 comments

Great mod but when i play a battle and the archers start open fire the game crashes.
and the hotfix makes is worse, i cant start the game at all with the hotfix.

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Wulfburk12 - - 1,886 comments

Did you delete the outdated versions? Is the mod in program files folder?

Im on turn 89 on my roman campaign, and no crashes whatsoever, literally. (and thats through all kinds of battles and the such)

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iljavermunt1998 - - 3 comments

I have no outdated version.
what do you mean in the program files folder?
I have medieval 2 total war kingdoms on steam.
i installed them like a normaly did but it crashes like i said, when the soldiers throw their spears i found some one with the same problem but nothing helped what tips they gave.

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Slavek_pc - - 10 comments

Can we get a torrent download ? I would be really greatful :)

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Wulfburk12 - - 1,886 comments

There is one:!

In the links section in the first post.

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Slavek_pc - - 10 comments

Thank you very much :)

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dvd7 - - 19 comments

Thanks for this mod
Can you divide the file in 2 or 3 parts?

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Hexaotl - - 8 comments

I have just installed EB2, but unfortunately it crashes on the loading screen before battles, either if i go through the custom battle screen, or initiate it from the Campaign map. It loads roughly 2/5s of the way before it crashes, with a pop up saying that MTW2 has experienced a fatal error, and "Error Code=361"
Apart from that, everything seems to work fine (i think). Strangely enough though, every time the game crashes on the battle loading screen, the settings for MTW2 become changed so that it runs in a Window, and i have to change it back too fullscreen mode each time....

I hope some of you guys have an idea on how i can fix it!

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Wulfburk12 - - 1,886 comments

Create a topic on the TWC forum. You will find more help there (got no clue here)

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Hexaotl - - 8 comments

I have created a topic, but no one is answering :(

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Guest - - 706,911 comments

Did you find a fix? I have the same problem.

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SrpskaBosna - - 10 comments

there is a bug in this mod wen choosing late period in custom battle for units. I get CTD error and game crashes

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gemeloisaac - - 1 comments

Same error, you already know how to fix it?

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meat2 - - 1 comments

There is a bug that has some roman units have no faces, the helmets are there but the faces are not.

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Guest - - 706,911 comments

when my roman slingers throw there spears the game is crash , how can i fix it?

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ScottWang007 - - 3 comments

This is probably one of my favorites mods on here. Great ideas and execution. I have run into a problem with custom battles where choosing either the late period or all periods the game crashes before the unit selection screen. It works fine for early and middle, but only late seems to be affected. Anyone have any fixes or ideas on how to fix it. It would be much appreciated.

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dklawonn - - 3 comments

a Rome Total War (2004) TC mod last updated in december 2015. And that is why i love the modding community. great mod btw.

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dklawonn - - 3 comments

i meant medieval 2 total war. I got them mixed up.

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EB_anubis - - 18 comments

Hi guys, sorry for the late response.

A lot of the bugs you are experiencing seem to be unique to you guys therefore being errors in the installation process.

The late period in costum battle crash happens because there are too many units in EBII that can be used by all the factions. It has been fixed in 2.2

If you have any current questions let me know, i'll be more alert to questions here in the future.

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badeng - - 1 comments

EB 2 Team! First of all thank you so much for not letting go of the project, it's absolutely amazing and obsoletes Rome 2, HANDS DOWN. I ask if it's possible if you could also host a torrent mirror/link of the mod just like SS does. Me and possibly many other fans unfortunately don't have the bandwith nor the download speed to download it at one go like the rest of you. The only way I could fully download this is if I literally let my computer on for more than a day.

Thanks in advance and godspeed to the glorious EB 2 team and the Total War modding master race ;)

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EB_anubis - - 18 comments

I don't know why the torrent download isn't there. Anyways something to fix for the next update.

Here's the link to the twc release where we also have the torrent links -!

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Toten. - - 33 comments

Double-click steam launcher, windows error briefly appears in Task Manager processes.

Double-click non-steam launcher, game crashes in Faction-selection screan.

I have Steam version.

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tobogan99 - - 119 comments

crash in battle

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