Xbox Controller Setup for ePSXe the PlayStation Emulator.
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Did you want to control ePSXe better with your Xbox Gamepad so you can launch, toggle fullscreen, and exit ePSXe with your controller. It is possible to create a more real console experience with PlayStation games on your PC. This will require AntimicroX which is a piece of software to allow you to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad.
LT-Right Click
RT-Left Click
Start-Toggle Fullscreen (Hold)/Exit Emulator (Hold)
Back + A (Hold)-Load Savestate
Back + X (Hold)-Save Savestate
Back + Y-Cycle Savestate Slots
Back + Start-Analog Switch
Back + Start (Hold)-Toggle Analog/Digital
Back + Right Stick-Mouse
If your running the emulator in compatibility mode or as a administrator you may need to run AntimicroX under compatibility mode or as a administrator. To disable the Xbox 360 popup window when you press the Xbox Guide Button press the Windows Key + R and type msconfig. Then go to Startup and right click on XboxStat.exe and disable it.
To run the AntimicroX profile when the emulator launches make sure the auto profile is linked to the epsxe.exe
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